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Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2005–06
NCES 2007-354
July 2007

Table 5.  Average student membership size of operating public elementary and secondary schools with membership, by instructional level, membership size of largest and smallest school, and state or jurisdiction: School year 2005–06
State or jurisdiction Total number of schools Average size Largest school Smallest school
Total schools1 Primary schools Middle schools High schools
United States2  86,792 552.6 445.2 603.4 886.9 6,245 1
Alabama  1,344 549.8 460.6 575.4 714.4 2,464 50
Alaska  447 269.9 319.1 493.1 634.8 2,249 5
Arizona  1,846 551.7 514.7 627.2 715.7 3,198 3
Arkansas  1,099 430.6 391.6 473.7 441.1 2,422 15
California  8,224 744.8 548.5 882.0 1,643.4 5,336 1
Colorado  1,613 474.9 386.6 513.1 757.1 3,678 1
Connecticut  1,015 550.5 456.0 602.3 832.1 2,568 2
Delaware  173 648.9 499.5 732.0 1,180.6 2,331 47
District of Columbia  203 352.7 293.5 363.4 493.5 3,514 22
Florida  3,011 868.2 665.0 974.5 1,745.4 5,060 2
Georgia  2,067 769.9 617.4 812.7 1,296.6 3,581 23
Hawaii  280 659.3 512.0 811.5 1,335.1 2,579 34
Idaho  603 426.3 351.5 505.6 581.8 2,173 4
Illinois  3,899 532.6 439.1 487.2 961.8 5,452 33
Indiana  1,864 552.9 428.1 602.4 925.0 3,916 8
Iowa  1,421 335.1 281.4 337.5 463.5 2,141 2
Kansas  1,406 331.6 290.9 352.3 418.4 2,300 3
Kentucky  1,212 523.3 414.2 567.4 844.9 2,209 54
Louisiana  1,231 519.3 450.4 522.5 774.4 2,309 71
Maine  646 302.5 217.2 375.0 553.5 1,496 2
Maryland  1,282 650.8 462.6 780.2 1,413.6 3,057 7
Massachusetts  1,818 514.9 385.5 603.0 944.0 4,282 2
Michigan  3,444 482.2 373.4 538.6 828.3 2,869 2
Minnesota  1,631 495.8 403.8 617.6 641.2 3,267 1
Mississippi  896 552.4 489.6 568.5 688.1 1,924 10
Missouri  2,190 416.4 344.5 497.4 566.0 2,806 4
Montana  834 174.2 157.5 126.6 278.2 2,143 1
Nebraska  1,131 251.8 191.8 408.3 348.0 2,557 1
Nevada  519 785.4 600.6 1,030.6 1,408.2 3,311 8
New Hampshire  480 428.7 300.9 489.3 850.8 3,392 3
New Jersey  2,332 584.6 440.9 625.3 1,208.0 5,216 11
New Mexico  784 408.4 336.6 402.6 647.7 2,954 1
New York  4,374 626.4 512.1 672.0 1,024.6 4,538 5
North Carolina  2,241 628.6 498.2 673.3 1,097.1 2,992 3
North Dakota  498 197.4 165.1 400.6 199.7 1,623 4
Ohio  3,846 477.0 386.5 494.2 732.9 6,245 1
Oklahoma  1,788 355.0 345.2 379.0 341.7 2,220 6
Oregon  1,204 441.4 344.9 504.6 720.6 2,767 1
Pennsylvania  3,141 571.5 427.1 638.7 951.8 4,399 15
Rhode Island  310 476.2 316.8 633.4 1,037.9 2,029 4
South Carolina  1,091 637.8 528.4 630.8 1,011.7 3,203 14
South Dakota  689 175.6 163.1 153.1 209.2 2,227 3
Tennessee  1,628 581.9 471.2 609.1 934.0 2,706 3
Texas  7,036 632.6 545.8 621.9 1,021.4 4,872 1
Utah  773 644.1 532.4 753.9 997.8 2,491 4
Vermont  316 299.5 216.2 330.3 664.5 1,533 6
Virginia  1,838 658.8 483.2 763.1 1,233.1 4,163 22
Washington  1,861 532.8 416.5 586.6 942.9 2,997 4
West Virginia  713 391.9 289.8 468.9 725.4 2,302 26
Wisconsin  2,154 404.2 329.1 434.7 592.4 2,477 1
Wyoming  346 240.0 191.8 264.1 365.5 1,491 1
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions 
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas3  151 414.2 427.4 424.6 414.9 1,217 26
DDESS: DoDs Domestic3  69 410.6 409.6 376.2 452.6 1,124 105
Bureau of Indian Education  180 278.6 229.5 211.6 420.6 1,109 8
American Samoa  29 556.3 484.0 866.0 827.4 1,543 74
Guam  36 860.7 604.2 977.1 2,260.0 2,538 92
Northern Mariana Islands  29 403.1 322.0 594.0 684.0 1,279 36
Puerto Rico  1,455 371.9 287.8 437.1 662.7 1,360 28
U.S. Virgin Islands  32 521.2 376.5 630.4 1,249.3 1,575 66
— Not available.
1 Total schools includes primary, middle, high, and other schools.
2 U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
3 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense dependents schools (overseas) and the Department of Defense dependents schools (domestic), respectively.
NOTE: Instructional levels are primary (low grade prekindergarten to 3, high grade up to 8); middle (low grade 4 to 7, high grade 4 to 9); high (low grade 7 to 12, high grade 12 only); and other (any configuration not falling within the previous three, including ungraded schools).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2005–06, Version 1a.

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