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After-School Programs and Activities: 2005

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Table 14. Percentage of students from kindergarten through eighth grade whose schools sponsored at least some of the after-school activities in which they participated, by school activity: 2005
Activity Number of students
Percentage of students in activity Number of students in activity sponsored by school (thousands) Percentage of students in activity sponsored by school
Arts (e.g., music, dance, painting)14,282421,65127
Clubs (e.g., yearbook, debate, book club)14,282131,62987
Academic activities (e.g., tutoring, math lab)14,282161,56568
Volunteer work or community service14,2821990933
Religious activities or instruction14,282463525
NOTE: Estimates include students in kindergarten through eighth grade, not older than 15 years, not homeschooled, and participating in weekly activities. Students could participate in multiple activities. As a result, columns may sum to more than 100 percent.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, After-School Programs and Activities Survey of the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program (ASPA-NHES: 2005).

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