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Table 1. Rural and Low-Income Schools Program: 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007

State or other area2004
   Total $83,915,460 $85,312,000 $84,458,880 $84,458,880
Alabama 4,446,082 5,307,927 5,347,434 5,347,434
Alaska 0 0 0 0
Arizona 951,224 959,147 1,132,503 1,132,503
Arkansas 3,679,199 4,023,354 3,775,731 3,775,731
California 1,425,730 1,718,545 1,177,127 1,177,127
Colorado 472,084 383,526 350,040 350,040
Connecticut 123,487 0 0 0
Delaware 115,860 109,033 100,853 100,853
District of Columbia 0 0 0 0
Florida 3,472,895 3,429,744 3,688,853 3,688,853
Georgia 7,140,063 6,900,334 7,401,652 7,401,652
Hawaii 0 0 0 0
Idaho 118,356 21,829 299,745 299,745
Illinois 788,205 537,211 631,134 631,134
Indiana 98,499 91,120 89,898 89,898
Iowa 0 0 0 0
Kansas 46,786 24,130 114,037 114,037
Kentucky 5,640,822 5,798,039 5,763,913 5,763,913
Louisiana 5,640,425 5,337,158 5,043,111 5,043,111
Maine 2,210,529 2,104,542 2,062,052 2,062,052
Maryland 0 0 0 0
Massachusetts 152,434 139,446 63,786 63,786
Michigan 485,304 639,369 711,575 711,575
Minnesota 0 106,420 67,775 67,775
Mississippi 7,270,710 6,358,435 6,662,404 6,662,404
Missouri 2,243,413 2,400,811 2,222,057 2,222,057
Montana 273,197 386,554 392,216 392,216
Nebraska 93,700 83,529 83,753 83,753
Nevada 0 0 0 0
New Hampshire 876,515 744,685 783,628 783,628
New Jersey 0 22,512 21,013 21,013
New Mexico 2,151,110 2,016,903 1,818,450 1,818,450
New York 1,625,926 1,329,443 1,569,394 1,569,394
North Carolina 4,320,815 5,332,885 4,696,809 4,696,809
North Dakota 56,660 51,822 46,548 46,548
Ohio 1,551,798 1,055,724 1,195,563 1,195,563
Oklahoma 4,867,880 4,689,597 4,462,124 4,462,124
Oregon 580,973 538,059 958,720 958,720
Pennsylvania 268,875 301,136 435,291 435,291
Rhode Island 0 0 0 0
South Carolina 2,259,779 2,178,057 3,289,065 3,289,065
South Dakota 51,429 75,686 45,883 45,883
Tennessee 3,318,862 3,670,995 3,540,779 3,540,779
Texas 8,890,920 8,456,920 7,286,809 7,286,809
Utah 0 0 0 0
Vermont 0 0 0 0
Virginia 1,165,973 2,231,070 1,506,250 1,506,250
Washington 824,095 825,384 749,477 749,477
West Virginia 3,251,406 4,023,342 4,001,038 4,001,038
Wisconsin 124,286 54,457 25,802 25,802
Wyoming 0 0 0 0
American Samoa 79,539 80,863 80,054 80,054
Guam 170,899 173,743 172,006 172,006
Northern Mariana Islands 53,605 54,498 53,952 53,952
Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0
Virgin Islands 115,534 117,456 116,282 116,282
Freely Associated States 0 0 0 0
Indian set-aside 419,577 426,560 422,294 422,294
Other (non-State allocations) 0 0 0 0
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service Office, 2007.

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