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Status of Education in Rural America
NCES 2007-040
June 2007

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Table 3.5a.

Percentage of public schools with internet access, by type of access available and locale: 2005

Locale With internet access in school  
Total1 Using broadband internet connection2 Using any type of wireless internet connection2,3 Instructional classooms
With internet access1 With wireless connection1,3
Total 99.6 97.3 45.4 93.6 15.0
City 99.4 97.8 49.7 87.5 17.1
Suburban       99.3 97.6 49.2 95.6 16.2
Town 100.0 100.0 40.2 97.6 14.0
Rural 100.0 95.4 41.4 94.8 12.4
1 Percentages are based on all public schools.
2 Percentages are based on public schools with internet access.
3 Percentages include schools using solely wireless internet connections (both broadband and narrowband), as well as schools using both wireless and wired connections.
NOTE: For estimates that are 100 percent, the event defined could have been reported by fewer schools had a different sample been drawn.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Fast Response Survey System (FRSS), "Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, Fall 2005," FRSS 90, 2005.