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Section Image Contexts of Postsecondary Education: Standard Error Tables
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Table S48-1.  Standard errors for the average annual tuition and fees, total price, amount of aid, and net access price for full-time graduate and first-professional students and percentage of all students attending full time, by type of aid and program and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

  Average for full-time students (including unaided students)
Characteristic Tuition
Total price Total aid Grants Loans Assistant-
ships and
other aid
access price
(total price
total aid)
full time

Master’s degree students                
    Total $460 $490 $520 $210 $480 $180 $520 1.26
Degree program                
  Business administration (M.B.A.) 1,150 1,220 2,030 460 1,790 440 1,550 1.65
  Education (any master’s) 750 1,030 1,240 410 1,150 300 1,240 1.61
  Any other master’s degree 420 500 610 300 650 250 500 1.78
Selected fields of study                
  Humanities 1,140 1,330 1,190 720 1,320 500 1,140 3.27
  Social/behavioral sciences 1,180 1,370 1,780 1,190 1,430 780 1,280 3.95
  Life and physical sciences 1,490 2,120 3,340 1,050 2,540 2,270 2,240 4.84
  Engineering/computer science/mathematics                
Institution type 750 760 1,200 660 1,100 660 1,220 2.10
  Private not-for-profit 320 440 540 260 410 230 450 1.29
  1,090 1,050 1,020 390 890 220 1,090 2.15
Doctoral degree students                
    Total 310 290 530 430 590 420 490 1.85
Degree program                
  Ph.D. (except in education) 260 310 520 390 350 350 400 1.49
  Education (any doctorate) 620 1,020 1,370 780 880 860 1,430 2.28
  Any other doctoral degree 820 710 1,260 530 1,190 330 1,050 4.07
Selected fields of study                
  Humanities 710 640 1,280 990 470 560 1,060 4.16
  Social/behavioral sciences 840 610 1,610 930 1,640 760 1,430 2.68
  Life and physical sciences 600 760 760 600 540 700 610 2.27
  Engineering/computer science/mathematics                
Institution type 630 530 740 620 400 650 620 2.11
  Private not-for-profit 200 260 510 290 550 360 360 1.12
  530 550 1,000 750 1,010 600 690 3.78
First-professional degree students                
    Total 770 720 650 230 680 100 590 2.82
Degree program                
  Medicine (M.D.) 840 800 1,050 360 1,040 240 640 1.31
  Other health science degree 1,550 1,650 1,090 510 1,230 200 1,580 3.01
  Law (L.L.B. or J.D.) 1,320 990 810 430 770 140 780 3.57
  Theology (M.Div., M.H.L., B.D.) 2,710 1,930 2,520 2,670 2,220 400 3,040 9.09
Institution type                
  Public 260 380 650 230 590 150 420 1.17
  Private not-for-profit 1,570 1,470 1,250 370 1,300 170 1,020 4.40

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04).

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