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Public Alternative Schools for At-Risk Students
Table 27-2 Number of students enrolled in alternative schools and programs for at-risk students and the percentage distribution of districts with such students enrolled, grouped by the percentage that such students constitute of the total district enrollment, by district characteristics: 2000-01
Indicator 27 (2003): Table 27-2

1Numbers reflect enrollment figures as of October 1, 2000, according to survey results. The number of students enrolled in public alternative schools and programs represents about 1.3 percent of the total number of all students enrolled in public schools (about 47,000,000). The number of special education students with Individualized Education Programs enrolled in public alternative schools and programs represents about 12 percent of the total number of at-risk students enrolled in public alternative schools and programs.

2Estimates are based on the 840 districts with alternative schools and programs for which data on percent minority enrollment are available.

3Estimates are based on the 843 districts with alternative schools and programs for which data on poverty concentration are available. Poverty concentration is based on data from the Bureau of the Census on the percentage of children ages 5-17 in families below the poverty level within districts in 1996-97.

NOTE: Percentages are based on the 39 percent of districts that reported administrating at least one alternative school or program during the 2000-01 school year. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. See supplemental note 1 for more information on community type and region.

SOURCE: Kleiner, B., Porch, R., and Farris, E. (2002). Public Alternative Schools and Programs for Students At Risk of Education Failure: 2000-01 (NCES 2002-004), tables 2 and 4, and unpublished tabulations. Data from U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Fast Response Survey System (FRSS), "District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs," FRSS 76, 2001.

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