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Giving Children the Earliest Head Start: Developing an Individualized Approach to High-Quality Services for Pregnant Women (PDF)
By Early Head Start National Resource Center at Zero to Three , Ed.
Technical Assistance Paper, 3; 2000

Summary: This report describes the components of an approach to high-quality services for pregnant women. Services should include comprehensive prenatal and postpartum health care, prenatal education, and breastfeeding education and accommodations. Collaboration with community partners is essential to the design and management of a high-quality Early Head Start (EHS) program serving pregnant women. Pregnant women must be connected to health care providers and a “medical home.” Two program profiles are highlighted to provide an overview of two EHS grantees’ particular approaches to serving pregnant women in EHS. The Clermont County Head Start describes their process for developing a comprehensive approach to structure their prenatal education efforts. The Drake University EHS describes their unique partnerships in community collaboration and diverse staff development efforts. Selected resources for services to pregnant women are included.

Index Terms: Partnerships, Performance Standards, Prenatal Care, Quality Initiatives, Health Education, Services, Early Head Start (EHS), Iowa, Kansas, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington

Sponsoring Institution (or Funding Source): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Head Start Bureau

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 23 pages
Language: English

Early Head Start National Resource Center at Zero to Three
2000 M Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, District of Columbia 20036-3307
FAX: 202-638-0851

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