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Children Entering School Ready to Learn (PDF)
By Maryland State Department of Education , Ed.

Summary: This report provides a profile of children’s skill levels as they enter school based on the evaluation of their teachers. Each year, the Maryland State Department of Education informs policymakers and practitioners of what children know and are able to do when they start formal education in kindergarten. The Maryland Model for School Readiness uses the Work Sampling System Kindergarten Checklist to assess entering kindergartners’ readiness levels. Maryland students entering kindergarten in 2007-2008 were better prepared than those in the past. Sixty-eight percent of the entering kindergarten students were evaluated by their teachers as “fully” ready for kindergarten, a one percent increase over the previous year. The increase from the baseline year of 2001-2002 was 19 percent. The upward trend is a significant shift and reflects the statewide efforts in Maryland to improve the early learning opportunities for young children as they begin their school career. Data for Language and Literacy indicate an increase of 22 percent since 2001-2002. The data for math represent a 23 percent increase. Children with limited English proficiency made significant progress over last year’s data. The number of English language learners evaluated by their teachers as fully ready increased by 6 percent over last year.

Index Terms: Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Early Learning Standards, Quality Initiatives, School Readiness, Academic Achievement, At Risk Children, Literacy Development, Low Income Families, State Standards, Maryland

Publication Type: Reports (Research/technical)

Pages: 40 pages
Language: English

Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
FAX: 410-333-6442

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