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Se trata de más que el contenido. Expansión de la concepción de las pautas del aprendizaje preescolar
By Early Childhood Research and Practice , Ed.
January 2007

Summary: This Spanish language article explores the repackaging of the K–12 standards-based accountability reform within early childhood education (ECE) through a case study of the formulation and implementation of Wisconsin’s Model Early Learning Standards. It examines how a group of ECE stakeholders within the State aligned the norms and practices of ECE with policymakers’ demands for naming content, performance, and proficiency standards that align with Wisconsin’s K–12 standards. A 2004 model of rhizome analysis is employed to illuminate the complexity that exists within their response and to consider how the field of ECE can promote a vision of reform that moves beyond the linear logic that frames current education policy. This lateral vision of learning runs counter to the current idea of standards-based accountability reform, which frames the growth and education of the child as the attainment of a specific set of academic knowledge and skills. The rhizomatic response provides the foundation for a political response that addresses policymakers’ concerns for improving the learning experiences of young children, shifting the goals of ECE from an emphasis on producing a child who must demonstrate particular skills to a learning process in which educators are to provide multiple opportunities for the child to learn a range of skills and knowledge.

Index Terms: Early Childhood Education, Learning, Professional Development, Standards, Training Of Trainers, Policies, Good Start Grow Smart, National Association For the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001

Publication Type: Journal Articles

Pages: 7 pages
Language: Spanish

Early Childhood Research and Practice

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