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Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts can help thousands of our children reach their promise. Because every child is Pennsylvania’s future. (PDF)
By Pennsylvania Department of Education , Ed.

Summary: This document indicates that early education can open doors of opportunity for children in Pennsylvania to do well in school, in the workforce, and in life. The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts prekindergarten program, established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, will make quality pre-K opportunities available to children and families across Pennsylvania. Governor Rendell has proposed an investment of $75 million for Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts, a new component of the Accountability Block Grant, which will provide funding for more than 11,000 children (aged 3-4 years) to attend quality half- and full-day prekindergarten in schools, Head Start, child care programs, and nursery schools in the 2007-2008 school year. Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts can only become a reality if there is broad support among the community and the legislature.

Index Terms: Early Learning Standards, Prekindergarten, Quality Initiatives, Quality Of Child Care, Pennsylvania

Publication Type: Brochures

Pages: 8 pages
Language: English

Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17126

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