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Can This Law Be Fixed? A Hard Look at the No Child Left Behind Remedies (PDF)
By Chester E Finn, Jr., Frederick M Hess
September 2007

Summary: This paper documents how the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has unfolded and how it ought to be changed. Eight ways are suggested to improve NCLB: (1) be more realistic; (2) create a national standard; (3) retain State autonomy, but implement early, authentic intervention; (4) adopt credible, enforceable, and fair remedies; (5) improve information flow and compliance monitoring; (6) promote more choice more often; (7) provide competent help; and (8) insist upon real consequences for failure. While there is no doubt that the percentage of proficient students should increase dramatically, no educator believes that America will attain universal proficiency by 2014.

Index Terms: Federal Initiatives, Federal Legislation, Outcomes, Intervention, Parent Choice, Standards, Testing, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

Publisher: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Publication Type: Viewpoints

Pages: 6 pages
Language: English

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W.
Washington, District of Columbia 20036
FAX: 202-862-7177

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