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Distance Education by Postsecondary Faculty
Table 47-1.  Percentage of full-and part-time instructional faculty and staff who taught distance education courses and average number of courses taught, by employment and distance education status, rank, and type of institution: Fall 2003

  Percentage who taught distance
education course
  Average number of credit and noncredit
courses taught
Faculty rank and type of institution Full-time Part-time   Did not teach
distance education
Taught distance

    Total1 8.3 5.9   2.3 3.7
Full or associate professor 8.3 7.6   2.5 4.1
  Public doctoral 6.5 4.5   2.0 3.2
  Private not-for-profit doctoral 2.9 2.5   2.0 3.7
  Public master’s 9.6 10.4   3.0 3.7
  Private not-for-profit master’s 7.3 15.1   2.9 3.4
  Private not-for-profit bachelor’s 4.0 5.3   3.0 3.9
  Public associate’s 22.4 9.2   3.7 5.3
Assistant professor, instructor, or lecturer 8.0 5.0   2.5 3.9
  Public doctoral 5.2 5.5   2.0 3.2
  Private not-for-profit doctoral 2.9 3.1   1.8 2.6
  Public master’s 7.1 2.5   2.8 3.7
  Private not-for-profit master’s 8.5 7.3   2.5 3.8
  Private not-for-profit bachelor’s 2.8 7.2   2.6 3.0
  Public associate’s 15.2 5.1   2.9 4.4

1Faculty who had some other title or no rank were included in the total but not shown separately.

NOTE: Included are faculty and instructional staff at public and private not-for-profit institutions who had instructional duties for which students earned credit in fall 2003. Distance education includes classes in which students and instructors are separated either primarily or exclusively by distance or time.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04), previously unpublished tabulation (November 2005).

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