09/24/2001 - Updated 06:26 PM ET

Hot Sites

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, millions are turning to the Web to keep informed. This special edition of Hot Sites focuses on relevant new and notable sites.

Frontline trains its investigative lens on suspected terrorist overlord Osama bin Laden. This Hunting bin Laden site offers an extensive multimedia backgrounder on the renegade millionaire who has become the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against America.

Meet Herman, the spokescrab at FEMA for Kids, which lets children know about all kinds of things having to do with emergencies and disasters. A "What's New" area offers some tips on dealing with the terrorism.

In the age of the Net, homilies not only come from the pulpit but also from cyberspace. "In Remembrance of September 11, 2001" is delivered to an online audience by Apple Seeds, a site that seeks to promote positive attitudes in times of need.

Not sure how safe your local airport is? The Federal Aviation Administration reports on which U.S. airports have been determined to meet current aviation security requirements. The site's list will be continuously updated, the agency says.

Put a patriotic reminder on your desktop, courtesy of Rhode Island Soft Systems. We Will Not Forget is a free, downloadable screensaver showing the American flag proudly waving in the breeze.


Also, online resources:

Web sites aid relief efforts

Pages to help heal, inform


— Sam Vincent Meddis,

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