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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program assistance with heating and cooling costs

Collaboration Efforts with the ACF Office of Head Start ("OHS")

NO. LIHEAP-IM-2008-4, DATED 3/13/08                            
               STATE GRANTEES

SUBJECT:       Collaboration Efforts with the ACF Office of Head
               Start ("OHS")

RELATED        Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act, as amended
REFERENCES:    (Title XXVI of Public Law 97-35, the Omnibus Budget
               Reconciliation Act of 1981, as amended); 45 Code
               of Federal Regulations, Part 96; Final Rule 
               amending HHS block grant regulations (64 Federal
               Register, 55843, October 15, 1999).

PURPOSE:       To disseminate contact information for State
               counterparts with the Head Start State
               Collaboration Directors and to provide background
               information about the collaboration activities
               that the Office of Community Services ("OCS") and
               the Office of Head Start have partnered on

BACKGROUND:    Section 2603(4) of the Low-Income Home Energy 
               Assistance Act of 1981, as amended through August 
               1, 1999, ("Statute") defines "highest home energy 
               needs" to mean:  "the home energy requirements of  
               a household determined by taking into account both 
               the energy burden of such household and the unique 
               situation of such household that results from 
               having members of vulnerable populations, including 
               very young children, individuals with disabilities, 
               and frail older individuals." 

               In Fiscal Year ("FY") 2003, OCS established a
               recipiency targeting score for serving LIHEAP
               eligible households with either a young child or
               an elderly member.  OCS based target scores for
               the following five years on the baseline actual
               score that it determined for FY 2003, which was a
               value of 122.  Though OCS only expected that the
               targeting of young child households would remain
               constant at that level, the actual scores for each
               of the past three years have shown a decline in
               the number of young child households served
               through LIHEAP.  A recipiency targeting score of
               115 was observed for this population in FY 2006,
               the latest year for which data are available.

               As a result of this information, OCS established a
               priority for learning about some of the reasons
               behind this decline and to what extent the pattern
               can be reversed.

CONTENT:       Beginning in the spring of 2007, OCS has been in
               contact with several Central Office divisions
               within Head Start to identify opportunities for
               program collaboration.  Last summer, OCS also held
               a teleconference with the ACF Regional Offices to
               build awareness and understanding of LIHEAP since
               the Regions do not have a LIHEAP-dedicated staff

               In addition to making contact with Head Start
               training and technical assistance (T&TA) providers
               about LIHEAP, OCS recently gave a presentation at
               the annual meeting of the Head Start State
               Collaboration Directors in Washington, D.C.  OCS
               staff met with approximately 70 State agency and
               community action agency staff who function as
               Collaboration Directors within their areas.

               The meeting sparked a substantial amount of
               interest among these Collaboration Directors who
               offered to collaborate with LIHEAP in a variety of
               ways, including but not limited to:  sharing data;
               adding LIHEAP and/or home energy-related questions
               to surveys and studies; and, adding LIHEAP
               information to databases.

               OCS distributed a list of all State LIHEAP Grantee
               contacts to the Head Start Collaboration Directors
               to facilitate communication between the programs.
               OCS has also commenced a quarterly LIHEAP Email
               Alert that it is sending to the Head Start
               Collaboration Directors to keep them apprised of
               public health and safety consequences of
               inadequate home temperatures.

               In furtherance of this collaboration goal,
               attached for your reference is a contact list of
               all of the Head Start Collaboration Directors.
               OCS encourages each State LIHEAP Grantee to
               contact his or her counterpart Head Start
               Collaboration Director to build an ongoing
               relationship for information sharing and joint
               efforts where appropriate.

INQUIRIES:     Lauren Christopher, Program Analyst
               Division of Energy Assistance
               Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS
               370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20447
               Telephone:  (202) 401-4870
               Fax:  (202) 401-5661

               Zack Poimboeuf, Program Analyst
               Division of Energy Assistance
               Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS
               370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20447
               Telephone:  (202) 401-5544
               Fax:  (202) 401-5661

ATTACHMENTS:   (A). Office of Head Start Contact List of State
                    Collaboration Directors

                         Josephine B. Robinson
                         Office of Community Services