Library of Congress Office, Jakarta, Indonesia

How CAP-SEA Works

The Cooperative Acquisitions Program for Southeast Asia (CAP-SEA) is open to libraries and research institutions wishing to acquire publications from the following countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.

Participants receive sets of publications according to a profile which they define based on predetermined subject, language, degree of selectivity, and other categories available for selection. Serials are selected on a title by title basis.

Participants are billed annually for the estimated cost of publications, binding, shipping, indirect, and overhead charges.

Participants joining the program for the first time deposit into accounts with the Library of Congress an amount estimated to cover the costs of their selected profile for one year. Profile costs are based on purchasing trends for the program. They do not represent actual prices but are estimates of the amount needed to purchase materials in those categories.

The Jakarta office reports quarterly to participating libraries on the status of their funds. These reports include the number of pieces on order and purchased, the amounts disbursed and obligated, and the balance in the participant account as of the date of the report.

If the amount billed proves insufficient to cover the costs of materials, the Library of Congress will submit a supplementary bill to the participant to cover the shortfall, or will stop ordering books for the participant depending upon the instructions of the participant. As a government agency, the Library of Congress is prohibited by law from extending credit to participants.

Inquiries about the program should be addressed to:

Library of Congress
African/Asian Acquisitions & Overseas Operations Division
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540-4150
Phone: (202) 707-5273
Fax: (202) 707-4445

or to the Jakarta office.

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Library of Congress

Comments: Jakarta Office (02/10/00)