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The No-Cry Parenting Guide, Executive Summary
By Elizabeth Pantley

Summary: This set of reproducible newsletters helps parents answer some of the most frequently asked questions about sleep, potty training, and discipline. Newborns sleep 16 to 18 hours per day, distributed into six to seven sleep periods. It is recommended that a newborn shouldn’t sleep longer than four hours without feeding. Gentle sounds or soft music can improve sleep. Research shows that children who nap tend to be more adaptable, have longer attention spans, and are less fussy than those who don’t nap. Tired children fall asleep easily. The following signs indicate a child is tired and ready to nap: losing interest in playtime, becoming whiny or fussy, losing patience, having tantrums, rubbing eyes or yawning, caressing a blanket, and becoming hyperactive. It is indicated that potty training is easier and happens faster if the child is truly ready in three areas: physical, cognitive, and social. A potty training readiness quiz is included.

Index Terms: Behavior, Behavior Guidance, Biting, Child Development, Discipline, Naps, Parenting, Sleeping, Behavior Disorders, Behavior Problems, Child Parent Relationship, Educational Enrichment, Interactions

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing

Publication Type: Reference (General)

Pages: 15 pages
Language: English

McGraw-Hill Publishing
P.O. Box 182604
Columbus, Ohio 43272
FAX: 614-759-3749

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