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Understanding and Preventing Toddler Biting.
By Veronica Garcia
Texas Child Care; v23 n1 p12-15 Summer 1999; July 01, 1999

Summary: Discusses the problem of toddler biting behavior in child care settings. Describes reasons for biting by toddlers, recommends caregiver responses to toddler biting, presents tips for observing children to identify the biter's patterns, and outlines ways to prevent biting in child care settings.

Index Terms: Biting, Human Bites, Behavior Guidance, Child Development, Texas

Publisher: Texas Workforce Commission

Publication Type: Forms, Journal Articles, Serials

Pages: 4 pages
Language: English

ERIC Number: EJ606990

Texas Workforce Commission
P.O. Box 162881
Austin Texas 78716-2881

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