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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



Goal: Virginia's Cell Phone Subpoena Program was created to provide another effective locate tool to track down some of the hardest to locate offenders for nonpayment of child support.

Description: In a coordinated effort between the Office of the Attorney General and the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE), the project initially attempted to obtain the voluntary cooperation of cell phone companies in conducting data match processes between their customer records and DCSE. Although the project had support from staff at the Federal Communications Commission, and despite the backing of Federal and State law, DCSE's attempts at written and verbal communications with the cellular companies proved fruitless. When DCSE's attempts at written and verbal communication were unproductive, DCSE began issuing administrative subpoenas to seven of the largest cell phone providers in Virginia. In the spirit of cooperation, two companies agreed to conduct data matches without mandatory State legislation, and quarterly matches are now ongoing.


Location: The practice is centralized although the program has not been fully implemented. Virginia plans to begin negotiations with two more cell phone companies to conduct data matches. Virginia understands that several other States (Delaware, California, Iowa, and Wisconsin) are sending subpoenas and/or beginning to conduct data matches.

Funding: Regular IV-D funds were used.

Replication Advice:


Nathaniel L. Young,
Deputy Commissioner and Director, Child Support Enforcement
Phone: 804-726-7476

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