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Tom Parsons

Mallman, E. P., and T. Parsons (2008),
A Global Search for Stress Shadows, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB005336.
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Parsons, T., (2008),
Earthquake recurrence on the south Hayward fault is most consistent with a time dependent, renewal process, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, doi:10.1029/2008GL035887
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Ryan, H.F., Parsons, T., Sliter, R.W. (2008),
Vertical tectonic deformation associated with the San Andreas fault zone offshore of San Francisco, California Tectonophysics
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Parsons, T., Ji, C., Kirby, E. (2008),
Stress changes from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and increased hazard in the Sichuan basin, Nature, doi: 10.1038/nature07177.
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Velasco, A. A., S. Hernandez, T. Parsons, and K. Pankow (2008),
Global ubiquity of dynamic earthquake triggering,Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo204.
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Parsons, T. (2008),
Monte Carlo method for determining earthquake recurrence parameters from short paleoseismic catalogs: Example calculations for California,Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, doi:10.1029/2007JB004998.
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Geist, E. L., and T. Parsons, 2008,
Distribution of tsunami inter-event times, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2007GL032690.
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Parsons, T., 2008,
Persistent earthquake clusters and gaps from slip on irregular faults, Nature Geoscience, v. 1, p. 59-63, doi:10.1038/ngeo.2007.36.
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Parsons, T., 2007,
Forecast experiment: Do temporal and spatial b- value variations along the Calaveras fault portend M>=4.0 earthquakes? Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004632.
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Mikhailov, V. O., T. Parsons, R. W. Simpson, E. P. Timoshkina, and C. Williams,
Why the Sacramento Delta Area Differs from Other Parts of the Great Valley: Numerical Modeling of Thermal Structure and Thermal Subsidence of Forearc Basins, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, v. 43, p. 75–90., DOI: 10.1134/S1069351307010089, 2007
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T. Parsons1
M>=7.0 earthquake recurrence on the San Andreas fault from a stress renewal model, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, doi:10.1029/2006JB004415, 2006.
(1) U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 999 Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.
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T. Parsons1, George A. Thompson2, Allen Cogbill3
Earthquake and volcano clustering via stress transfer at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, GSA, Geology Volume: 34 Issue: 9 Pages: 785-788. doi: 10.1130/G22636.1, 2006.
(1) U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 999 Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.
(2) Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 94305. U.S.A.
(3) Los Alamos Ntional Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 , USA
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R. S. Stein1, S. Toda2, T. Parsons1 and E. Grunewald1,3
A new probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for greater Tokyo, in press, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1808, 2006.
(1) U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 977 Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.
(2) Active Fault Research Center, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
(3) Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, USA
[Online article] [English Summary] [Printable article (5.1 Mb)]
T. Parsons, R. J. Blakely, T. M. Brocher, N. I. Christensen, M. A. Fisher, E. Flueh, F. Kilbride, J. H. Luetgert, K. Miller, U. S. ten Brink, A. M. Trehu, and R. E. Wells
Crustal Structure of the Cascadia Fore Arc of Washington. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1661-D, 2006
[Online summary] [Printable article (7.7 Mb)]
E. L. Geist and T. Parsons,
Probabilistic Analysis of Tsunami Hazards. Natural Hazards, Springer, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 277-314, DOI 10.1007/s11069-005-4646-z, 2006
[Online summary] [Printable article (132 kb)]
T. Parsons,
Tectonic stressing in California modeled from GPS observations, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, B03407, doi:10.1029/2005JB003946, 2006.
[Online summary] [Printable article (5.0 Mb)]
T. Parsons, R. S. Yeats, Y. Yagi and A. Hussain,
Static stress change from the 8 October, 2005 M = 7.6 Kashmir earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L06304, Doi:10.1029/2005gl025429, 2006.
[Online summary] [Printable article (2.5 Mb)]
E. L. Geist and T. Parsons,
Triggering of tsunamigenic aftershocks from large strike-slip earthquakes: analysis of the November 2000 New Ireland earthquake sequence, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (G3), v. 6, doi:10.1029/2005GC000935.
[Online summary] [Printable article (6.1 Mb)]
T. Parsons,
Significance of stress transfer in time-dependent earthquake probability calculations. Journal of Geophysical Research., Vol. 110, B05S02, doi:10.1029/2004JB003190, 2005
[Online summary] [Printable article (2.0 Mb)]
T. Parsons,
A hypothesis for delayed dynamic earthquake triggering, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, L04302, doi:10.1029/2004GL021811, 2005
[Online summary] [Printable article (270 Kb)]
T. Parsons, T. R. Bruns, and R. Sliter
Structure and mechanics of the San Andreas–San Gregorio fault junction, San Francisco, California, G3 (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems), Volume 6, Number 1, ISSN: 1525-2027, Q01009, doi:10.1029/2004GC000838, 2005.
[Online summary] [Printable article (1.4 Mb)]
T. Parsons,
Recalculated probability of M≥7 earthquakes beneath the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, B05304, doi:10.1029/2003JB002667, 2004.
[Online summary] [Online abstract] [Printable article (2.3 Mb)]
T. Parsons, R. Sliter, E. L. Geist, R. C. Jachens, B. E. Jaffe, A. Foxgrover, P. E. Hart, and J. McCarthy,
Structure and mechanics of the Hayward-Rodgers Creek fault stepover, San Francisco Bay, California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 2187–2200, October 2003.
[Online summary] [Printable article (3.6 Mb)]
T. M. Brocher, T. Parsons, A. M. Tréhu, R. S. Crosson, C. M. Snelson, and M. A. Fisher,
Seismic evidence for widespread serpentinized fore arc upper mantle along the Cascadia Margin: Geology, v. 31, p. 267–270, 2003.
[Printable article (960 kb)]
T. Parsons,
Nearly frictionless faulting from unclamping in long-term interaction models, Geology, v. 30, p. 1063-1066, 2002.
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T. Parsons,
Post-1906 stress recovery of the San Andreas fault system from 3-D finite element analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 10.1029/2001JB001051, 2002.
[Printable article (1.2 Mb)] ['Journal Highlights' at EOS (175 kb)]
T. Parsons,
Global observation of Omori-law decay in the rate of triggered earthquakes: Large aftershocks outside the classical aftershock zone, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 2199, doi:10.1029/2001JB000646, 2002.
[Printable article (2.8 Mb)] ['Editor's Choice' at Science Magazine (270 kb)]
T. Parsons, R. J. Blakely, and T. M. Brocher,
A simple algorithm for sequentially incorporating gravity observations in seismic traveltime tomography, International Geology Review 43, pp. 1073-1086, 2001, and Geological Society of America Special Publication, in press, 2002.
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T. Parsons (editor),
Crustal structure of the coastal and marine San Francisco Bay region, U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1658, (7 chapters), 2002.
[Online article]
U. S. Ten Brink, P. C. Molzer, M. A. Fisher, R. J. Blakely, R. C. Bucknam, T. Parsons, R. S. Crosson, and K. C. Creager,
Subsurface geometry and evolution of the Seattle Fault Zone and the Seattle Basin, Washington, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 92, pp. 1737-1753, 2002.
[Printable article (5.3 Mb)]
T. Parsons, J. McCarthy and G. A. Thompson,
Very different crustal response to extreme extension in the southern Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau transition, in, Erskine, M. C., Faulds, J. E., Bartley, J. M., and Rowley, P. D., editors, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Pacific Section Guidebook, GB 78, pp., 291-304, 2001.
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T. M. Brocher, T. Parsons, R. E. Blakely, N. I. Christensen, M. A. Fisher and R. E. Wells,
Three-dimensional geometry of crustal faults, basins, and uplifts in Puget Lowland, Washington: Results from SHIPS, the 1998 Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound, J. Geophys. Res., 106, pp. 13541-13564, 2001.
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T. Parsons, A. Barka, S. Toda, R. S. Stein and J. H. Dieterich,
Influence of the 17 August 1999 Izmit earthquake on seismic hazards in Istanbul, in A. Barka, O. Kozaci, S. Akyuz and E. Altunel (Eds.), The 1999 Izmit and Duzce Earthquakes: Preliminary results, pp. 295-310, 2000.
[Online article][Printable article (632kb)]
U.S. Geological Survey (including Tom Parsons and Ross Stein),
The Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999, U.S. Geol. Surv. Circular, 1193, pp. 1-65, 2000.
[Online article]
T. Parsons and D. Dreger,
Static-stress impact of the 1992 Landers earthquake sequence on nucleation and slip at the site of the 1999 M=7.1 Hector Mine earthquake, southern California., Geophys. Res. Let., 27, pp. 1949-1952, 2000.
[Online article]
T. Parsons, S. Toda, R. S. Stein, A. Barka and J. H. Dieterich,
Heightened odds of large earthquakes near Istanbul: An interaction-based probability calculation, Science, 288, pp. 661-665, 2000.
[Online article][Printable article in Turkish (213kb)][Printable article in Japanese (1.5Mb)]
J. A. Hole, T. M. Brocher, S. L. Klemperer, T. Parsons, H. M. Benz and K. P. Furlong,
Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay area, J. Geophys. Res., 105, pp. 13,859-13,874, 2000.
[Printable article (6.9 Mb)]
T. Parsons and P. E. Hart,
Dipping San Andreas and Hayward faults revealed beneath San Francisco Bay, California, Geology, 27, pp. 839-842, 1999.
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T. Parsons, R. E. Wells, E. Flueh, U. S. T. Brink and M. A. Fisher,
Three-dimensional velocity structure of Siletzia and other accreted terranes in the Cascadia fore arc of Washington, J. Geophys. Res., 104, pp. 18,015-18,039, 1999.
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T. Parsons, R. S. Stein, R. W. Simpson and P. A. Reasenberg,
Stress sensitivity of fault seismicity: A comparison between limited-offset oblique and major strike-slip faults, J. Geophys. Res., 104, pp. 20,183-20,202, 1999.
[Online article]
M. A. Fisher, E. R. Flueh, D. W. Scholl, T. Parsons, R. E. Wells, A. Trehu, U. tenBrink and C. S. Weaver,
Geologic processes of accretion: Cascadia subduction zone west of Washington State, Journal of Geodynamics, 27, pp. 277-288, 1999.
M. A. Fisher, T. M. Brocher, R. D. Hyndman, A. M. Trehu, C. S. Weaver, K. C. Creager, R. S. Crosson, T. Parsons, A. K. Cooper, D. Mosher, G. Spence, B. C. Zelt, P. T. Hammer, U. t. Brink, T. L. Preatt, K. C. Miller, J. R. Childs, G. R. Cochrane, S. Chopra and R. Wailia,
Seismic survey probes urban earthquake hazards in Pacific Northwest, EOS, Transactions AGU, 104, pp. 13-17, 1999.
T. M. Brocher, T. Parsons, K. C. Creager, R. S. Crosson, N. P. Symmons, G. D. Spence, B. C. Zelt, P. T. C. Hammer, R. D. Hyndman, D. C. Mosher, A. M. Trehu, K. C. Miller, U. S. t. Brink, M. A. Fisher, T. L. Pratt, M. G. Alvarez, B. C. Beaudoin, K. E. Louden and C. S. Weaver,
Wide-angle seismic recordings from the 1998 seismic hazards investigation of Puget Sound (SHIPS), western Washington and British Columbia, USGS Open File Report, 99-314, pp. 1-110, 1999.
T. Parsons,
Seismic-reflection evidence that the Hayward fault extends into the lower crust of the San Francisco Bay area, California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 88, pp. 1,212-1,223, 1998.
T. Parsons, G. A. Thompson and R. P. Smith,
More than one way to stretch: a tectonic model for extension along the plume track of Yellowstone hotspot and adjacent Basin and Range Province, Tectonics, 17, pp. 221-234, 1998.
[Printable article (18.2 Mb)]
T. Parsons, A. M. Trehu, J. H. Luetgert, K. Miller, F. Killbride, R. E. Wells, M. A. Fisher, E. Flueh, U. S. t. Brink and N. I. Christensen,
A new view into the Cascadia subduction zone and volcanic arc: Implications for earthquake hazards along the Washington margin, Geology, 26, pp. 199-201, 1998.
[Printable article (356 kb)]
E. Flueh, M. A. Fisher, J. Bialas, J. R. Childs, D. Klaeschen, N. Kukowski, T. Parsons, D. W. Scholl, U. t. Brink, A. M. Trehu and N. Vidal,
New seismic images of the Cascadia subduction zone from Cruise SO108- ORWELL, Tectonophysics, 293, pp. 69-84, 1998.
T. Parsons and M. L. Zoback,
Three-dimensional upper crustal velocity structure beneath San Francisco Peninsula, California, J. Geophys. Res., 102, pp. 5,473-5,490, 1997.
E. Flueh, M. Fisher, D. Scholl, T. Parsons, U. t. Brink, D. Klaeschen, N. Kukowski, A. Trehu, J. Childs, J. Bialas and N. Vidal,
Scientific teams analyze earthquake hazards of the Cascadia subduction zone, EOS, Transactions AGU, 78, pp. 153-157, 1997.
T. Parsons and J. McCarthy,
Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Salton Trough, southeast California, Tectonics, 15, pp. 456-471, 1996.
[Printable article (6.2 Mb)]
T. Parsons, J. McCarthy, W. M. Kohler, C. J. Ammon, H. M. Benz, J. A. Hole and E. E. Criley,
The crustal structure of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona: Application of new long-offset seismic data analysis techniques, J. Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 11,173-11,194, 1996.
[Printable article (35.3 MB)]
J. McCarthy, P. E. Hart, R. Anima, D. Oppenheimer and T. Parsons,
Seismic evidence for faulting in the western Sacramento Delta region, Pittsburgh, California, USGS Open File Report, 96-267, pp. 134-143, 1996.
T. Parsons,
The Basin and Range Province, in K. Olsen ed., Continental Rifts: evolution, structure and tectonics, Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 277-324, 1995.
T. Parsons, N. I. Christensen and H. G. Wilshire,
Velocities of southern Basin and Range xenoliths: Insights on the nature of lower crustal reflectivity and composition, Geology, 23, pp. 129-132, 1995.
[Printable article (390 kb)]
T. Parsons and J. McCarthy,
The active southwest margin of the Colorado Plateau: Uplift of mantle origin, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 107, pp. 139-147, 1995.
[Printable article (644 kb)]
R. G. Bohannon and T. Parsons,
Tectonic implications of post-30 Ma Pacific and North American relative plate motions, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 107, pp. 937-959, 1995.
[Printable article (1.2 Mb)]
T. Parsons, G. A. Thompson and N. H. Sleep,
Mantle plume influence on the Neogene uplift and extension of the U.S. western Cordillera?, Geology, 23, pp. 83-86, 1994.
[Printable article (339 kb)]
J. McCarthy and T. Parsons,
Insights into the kinematic Cenozoic evolution of the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition from coincident seismic refraction and reflection data, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 106, pp. 747-759, 1994.
[Printable article (1.5 Mb)]
T. Parsons and G. A. Thompson,
Does magmatism influence low-angle normal faulting?, Geology, 21, pp. 247-250, 1993.
[Printable article (448 kb)]
T. Parsons, N. H. Sleep and G. A. Thompson,
Host rock rheology controls on the emplacement of tabular intrusions: Implications for underplating of continental crust, Tectonics, 11, pp. 1348-1356, 1992.
T. Parsons, J. M. Howie and G. A. Thompson,
Seismic constraints on the nature of lower crustal reflectors beneath the extending southern transition zone of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, J. Geophys. Res., 97, pp. 12391-12407, 1992.
T. Parsons and G. A. Thompson,
The role of magma overpressure in suppressing earthquakes and topography: Worldwide examples, Science, 253, pp. 1399-1402, 1991.
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