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Table 68: Costs and Staff Associated with the Central Office of Child Support Enforcement for Five Consecutive Fiscal Years
EXPENSES 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Personnel Costs and Benefits $5,937,107 $5,556,782 $5,179,972 $3,840,965 $3,831,541
Travel and Transportation 983,039 993,809 866,351 604,014 520,039
Printing 70,005 75,940 64,798 103,655 163,614
Other Services 5,797,578 5,957,888 4,400,000 4,686,000 7,706,119
Supplies/Equipment 205,368 294,793 280,000 91,646 145,728
TOTAL 1% EXPENSES $12,993,097 $12,879,212 $10,791,121 $9,326,280 $12,367,041
Personnel Costs and Benefits $4,600,385 $6,348,950 $5,776,937 $4,600,218 4,532,531
Travel and Transportation 82,645 76,160 86,949 48,930 83,352
Rents 477,000 492,000 496,000 496,000 496,000
Printing 65,457 38,643 70,302 11,000 48,062
Other Services 30,866,137 28,453,121 28,543,483 27,617,000 30,478,060
Supplies/Equipment 690,969 143,818 3,268,613 23,713 37,509
TOTAL 2% EXPENSES $36,782,593 $35,552,692 $38,242,284 $32,796,861 $35,675,514
TOTAL EXPENSES $49,775,690 $48,431,904 $49,033,405 $42,123,141 $48,042,555
Commissioner 1 3 3 2 2
Deputy Commissioner 10 5 3 1 1
Automation & Program Operations 22 18 18 18 15
Audit 66 63 54 49 44
Consumer Services 21 19 16 14 14
State and Tribal Systems 14 13 13 13 11
State, Tribal, & Local Assistance 24 20 23 23 21
Special Staffs 22 13 14 13 11
Policy 11 8 9 9 8
Planning, Research, & Evaluation 11 10 10 11 12
Management Services 14 12 8 8 6
Other 11 NA 171 NA NA
TOTAL STAFF 227 184 171 161 145
Source: OCSE, Office of the Commissioner.
Note: 1% of the appropriations is for use by the Secretary, either directly or through grants, contracts, or interagency agreements for technical assistance to States, providing training of State and Federal staff, and other related activities that would improve the programs. 2% of the appropriations is used specifically for the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS).
NA - Not Available.

This is a Historical Document.