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Table 37: Cases with Orders in Which Medical Support is Ordered for Two Consecutive Fiscal Years

Cases Where Medical Support Is Ordered Cases with Support Orders Established Percent of Cases with Orders for Medical Support
STATES 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
ALABAMA 99,049 102,315 173,462 173,970 57.1% 58.8%
ALASKA 28,384 36,489 40,410 41,823 70.2% 87.2%
ARIZONA 122,193 110,409 164,986 166,265 74.1% 66.4%
ARKANSAS 74,793 74,720 100,645 101,997 74.3% 73.3%
CALIFORNIA 1,039,316 1,019,579 1,411,708 1,414,276 73.6% 72.1%
COLORADO 73,530 74,250 118,894 120,291 61.8% 61.7%
CONNECTICUT 101,051 107,016 141,627 145,703 71.4% 73.4%
DELAWARE 20,154 21,082 39,902 41,255 50.5% 51.1%
DIST. OF COL. 25,603 27,187 32,425 33,707 79.0% 80.7%
FLORIDA 196,361 220,939 484,519 515,195 40.5% 42.9%
GEORGIA 276,251 287,390 347,700 355,457 79.5% 80.9%
GUAM 4,179 4,282 6,316 7,565 66.2% 56.6%
HAWAII 23,552 25,047 57,296 58,173 41.1% 43.1%
IDAHO 64,972 70,868 74,261 79,743 87.5% 88.9%
ILLINOIS 125,185 143,077 329,976 356,896 37.9% 40.1%
INDIANA 446 543 230,270 236,686 0.2% 0.2%
IOWA 114,485 118,680 156,317 156,684 73.2% 75.7%
KANSAS 46,844 59,194 96,032 97,968 48.8% 60.4%
KENTUCKY 110,417 122,705 240,304 244,535 45.9% 50.2%
LOUISIANA 193,309 198,934 196,532 202,829 98.4% 98.1%
MAINE 39,713 40,887 57,981 58,936 68.5% 69.4%
MARYLAND 105,668 107,765 206,398 206,150 51.2% 52.3%
MASSACHUSETTS 74,165 82,099 190,187 197,179 39.0% 41.6%
MICHIGAN 750,431 766,998 769,462 777,188 97.5% 98.7%
MINNESOTA 152,971 158,552 199,585 203,587 76.6% 77.9%
MISSISSIPPI 71,603 74,497 154,018 160,107 46.5% 46.5%
MISSOURI 243,916 249,890 309,084 308,076 78.9% 81.1%
MONTANA 28,106 28,587 32,945 33,033 85.3% 86.5%
NEBRASKA 28,639 30,454 78,126 80,886 36.7% 37.7%

55,703 44,455 66,771 71,425 83.4% 62.2%
NEW HAMPSHIRE 22,183 22,500 30,528 30,373 72.7% 74.1%
NEW JERSEY 157,945 160,117 287,313 292,642 55.0% 54.7%
NEW MEXICO 23,800 24,980 36,023 37,116 66.1% 67.3%
NEW YORK 370,073 404,454 702,944 717,808 52.6% 56.3%
NORTH CAROLINA 220,648 225,345 322,516 328,139 68.4% 68.7%
NORTH DAKOTA 26,327 27,489 30,607 31,110 86.0% 88.4%
OHIO 407,287 432,916 671,682 684,103 60.6% 63.3%
OKLAHOMA 90,342 98,924 105,298 114,914 85.8% 86.1%
OREGON 101,350 98,522 168,055 168,068 60.3% 58.6%
PENNSYLVANIA 219,483 237,005 476,882 473,505 46.0% 50.1%
PUERTO RICO 73 77 157,700 161,781 0.0% 0.0%
RHODE ISLAND 23,110 21,965 35,801 33,364 64.6% 65.8%
SOUTH CAROLINA 49,368 48,927 158,471 162,445 31.2% 30.1%
SOUTH DAKOTA 20,965 21,588 28,010 28,612 74.8% 75.5%
TENNESSEE 117,392 137,161 220,563 232,216 53.2% 59.1%
TEXAS 598,236 630,047 729,063 751,180 82.1% 83.9%
UTAH 59,369 62,559 63,110 65,588 94.1% 95.4%
VERMONT 8,759 8,811 20,673 19,725 42.4% 44.7%
VIRGIN ISLANDS 253 403 6,411 6,495 3.9% 6.2%
VIRGINIA 169,165 172,831 294,424 295,748 57.5% 58.4%
WASHINGTON 241,510 187,237 297,291 305,492 81.2% 61.3%
WEST VIRGINIA 60,923 65,711 92,821 95,806 65.6% 68.6%
WISCONSIN 207,476 214,444 278,205 281,288 74.6% 76.2%
WYOMING 20,930 20,192 31,073 29,487 67.4% 68.5%
TOTALS 7,507,956 7,733,095 11,753,603 11,994,590 63.9% 64.5%
Source: Form OCSE-157, lines 21 and 2.

This is a Historical Document.