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- Characteristics of School Principals

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Elementary/Secondary School Teaching Among Recent College Graduates

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Contexts of Postsecondary Education


Characteristics of School Principals

Between 1993–94 and 2003–04, the percentage of public school principals who were female increased from 41 to 56 percent in elementary schools and from 14 to 26 percent in secondary schools.

This indicator looks at the distribution of school principals between school years 1993–94 and 2003–04 by various demographic and professional characteristics. During this period, the number of principals in the United States increased from 104,600 to 115,000 (see table 34-1).

There were changes in the distribution of principals by sex and age between 1993–94 and 2003–04. The percentages of female principals in public schools increased during this time, but there were no measurable differences in the percentages of female principals in private schools. In public schools, the percentage of female principals increased from 41 to 56 percent in elementary and from 14 to 26 percent in secondary schools. In private schools, the percentage of female principals remained around 68 percent in elementary and about 34 percent in secondary schools. Additionally, the percentage of principals ages 55 and over increased between 1993–94 and 2003–04, from 20 to 31 percent. This increase was particularly evident at the secondary level—the percentage of secondary school principals who were ages 55 and over increased from 17 to 30 percent in public schools and from 22 to 46 percent in private schools.

The percentage of principals who had 3 or fewer years of teaching experience prior to becoming a principal was not measurably different in 2003–04 than in 1993–94 (11 percent), but the percentage with 20 or more years of teaching experience prior to becoming a principal increased from 10 to 18 percent (see table 34-2). In each year surveyed, the percentage of private school principals with 3 or fewer years of teaching experience prior to becoming a principal was twice the percentage for public school principals.

Principals’ average annual salary, measured in 2003–04 constant dollars, increased by 10 percent, from $62,200 in 1993–94 to $68,900 in 2003–04. In each year surveyed, public school principals were paid, on average, more than private school principals. In 2003–04, some 50 percent of public elementary and 56 percent of public secondary school principals earned $75,000 or more, compared with 9 percent of private elementary and 28 percent of private secondary school principals


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PRINCIPALS: Percentage distribution of male and female elementary and secondary school principals, by school level and school type: School years 1993–94, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

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Table 34-1: Number and percentage distribution of school principals, by school level, school type, and selected characteristics: School years 1993–94, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

Table 34-2: Number and percentage distribution of school principals, by school level, school type, and selected professional characteristics: School years 1993–94, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

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Standard Error Tables  

Table S34-1: Standard errors for the number and percentage distribution of school principals, by school level, school type, and selected characteristics: School years 1993–94, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

Table S34-2: Standard errors for the number and percentage distribution of school principals, by school level, school type, and selected professional characteristics: School years 1993–94, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

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Supplemental Notes  

Note 3: Other Surveys

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