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Section Image Contexts of Elementary and Secondary Education: Standard Error Tables
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Student Perceptions of Their School’s Social and Learning Environment
Table S29-1.  Standard errors for the percentage of 10th-graders in public schools who agreed and disagreed with selected statements about their school’s learning environment, by race/ethnicity of students and level of minority enrollment at school: 2002

        Race/ethnicity of students
  All students
  Asian/Pacific Islander
Selected statements,
all schools, and level of
minority enrollment
Agree Disagree   Agree Disagree   Agree Disagree   Agree Disagree   Agree Disagree   Agree Disagree

When I work hard on schoolwork, my teachers praise my effort              
All schools 0.58 0.58   1.92 1.92   1.37 1.37   0.79 0.79   1.35 1.35   2.25 2.25
  High-minority 0.98 0.98   2.62 2.62   1.70 1.70   2.52 2.52   1.76 1.76   4.49 4.49
  Medium-minority 1.35 1.35   3.23 3.23   2.48 2.48   1.98 1.98   3.10 3.10   4.77 4.77
  Low-minority 0.86 0.86   4.28 4.28   4.30 4.30   0.94 0.94   2.94 2.94   3.29 3.29
In class I often feel “put down” by my teachers              
All schools 0.41 0.41   1.15 1.15   0.89 0.89   0.49 0.49   1.17 1.17   1.68 1.68
  High-minority 0.73 0.73   1.61 1.61   1.09 1.09   1.49 1.49   1.50 1.50   2.91 2.91
  Medium-minority 0.83 0.83   1.85 1.85   1.71 1.71   1.17 1.17   2.21 2.21   3.83 3.83
  Low-minority 0.60 0.60   2.86 2.86   2.72 2.72   0.61 0.61   2.67 2.67   2.28 2.28
Misbehaving students often get away with it              
All schools 0.64 0.64   2.10 2.10   1.58 1.58   0.82 0.82   1.59 1.59   2.45 2.45
  High-minority 1.16 1.16   2.99 2.99   1.98 1.98   2.63 2.63   2.03 2.03   4.22 4.22
  Medium-minority 1.34 1.34   4.39 4.39   3.15 3.15   1.79 1.79   3.01 3.01   5.12 5.12
  Low-minority 0.89 0.89   3.94 3.94   4.53 4.53   0.99 0.99   3.53 3.53   3.37 3.37
Disruptions by other students get in the way of my learning              
All schools 0.60 0.60   1.86 1.86   1.47 1.47   0.74 0.74   1.34 1.34   2.46 2.46
  High-minority 1.02 1.02   2.48 2.48   1.94 1.94   2.55 2.55   1.56 1.56   3.38 3.38
  Medium-minority 1.37 1.37   3.98 3.98   2.67 2.67   1.83 1.83   3.18 3.18   6.23 6.23
  Low-minority 0.79 0.79   3.97 3.97   3.75 3.75   0.84 0.84   3.90 3.90   2.92 2.92

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), “Base Year, Student Questionnaire, 2002” and Common Core of Data (CCD), “Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey” 2001–02, previously unpublished tabulation (October 2004).

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