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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children


May 2, 2001


Re: Dissemination of Research Findings on Automated Cost-of-Living Adjustments of Child Support Orders in Minnesota, New York and Vermont.

Dear Colleague:

This memorandum disseminates the executive summary of the "Automated Cost-of-Living Adjustments of Child Support Orders in Three States" study funded by the Office of Child Support Enforcement. The full report resulting from this study will be posted on OCSE's website at:

A brief summary of the report's major findings appears below:

Automated Cost-of-Living Adjustments of Child Support Orders in Three States (The Lewin Group with ECONorthwest)

  1. COLAs serve a different purpose than traditional review and modification and cannot correct an inappropriate order or a change in circumstances. Having a COLA policy in place does not mean that traditional reviews and adjustments will not occur or are not necessary.
  2. COLA appeals are rare. The low COLA appeal rate is driven by the small size of the adjustment, the cost and effort involved in the appeal, and the non-custodial parent's understanding, or lack thereof, of the process.
  3. COLA processes are inexpensive to implement and operate. COLA processes are automated and require very few labor resources.
  4. COLA policies are generally popular among State staff and custodial parents.
  5. Lack of income data may render infeasible more sophisticated efforts to automate modifications.
  6. Guideline complexity hinders automated modifications.

If you have questions or would like to have the full report, please contact Ken Dittmar at or (202) 401-5099.


Frank Fuentes
Acting Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement


Automated Cost-of-Living Adjustments of Child Support Orders in Three States

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