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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-00-08 JAN 14, 2000


RE: State Best Practices

Dear Colleague:

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is dedicated to providing proactive technical assistance to help States in their efforts on behalf of children. As a part of this effort, the Division of Program Operations (DPO) has produced a guide entitled "Tips, Techniques, and Technology in Using FPLS Data," the first edition of which is enclosed along with a three-ring binder in which to keep future editions. As OCSE compiles additional articles we will mail them to you so that you can update your binder. The guide describes the innovations and procedures States have developed to take advantage of the new tools in child support enforcement, especially those provided by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA).

We hope that you will benefit from knowing more about what other States are doing and that time and effort can be saved by learning from other States’ experiences. The topics covered will vary from technical issues to procedures that States have implemented, and will include contact information should you wish to follow up on a particular issue. The first edition includes a discussion on Arizona’s automated wage withholding, Washington’s new Federal Case Registry (FCR) screen, and Minnesota’s clean up of its employer table.

The creativity of States is demonstrated in these practices, and we trust that you will find the enclosed guide helpful in your own efforts to optimize your program. If you feel your State has developed a practice that other States may be able to learn from, or if you have any questions about the guide, please contact Mike Torpy at (202) 401-5510 or

Once again, let me applaud all States for their continued creativity and hard work on behalf of our nation’s children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators
FCR Contacts
New Hire Contacts
Outreach Contacts
State Training Liaisons

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