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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children


November 12, 2002


RE: Federal Case Registry Interface Guidance Document - Update 9

Dear Colleague:

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is releasing the ninth update to the Federal Case Registry (FCR) Interface Guidance Document (IGD). This update is a complete replacement of the IGD and consolidates many of the changes that were detailed in Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) Releases 01-01 and 02-01. The following particularly important functions are now described in this IGD update:

To better understand those parts of the IGD that have changed, an "FCR-IGD Summary of Changes - Update 9" is included with the document. This summary lists the IGD changes and the sections in the IGD where the changes are discussed.

Update 9 of the IGD is posted to the OCSE website at /programs/cse/newhire/library/fcr/fcr.htm .

If you have any questions about the IGD or how to get a copy, please call the FPLS Information Line at (202) 401-9267.

Thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of our nation’s children.


Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D.
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators
FCR Technical Contacts
IGD Contacts

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