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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children


DATE: May 5. 2003


RE: Federal Parent Locator Service Security Awareness Training

Dear Colleague:

Enclosed is the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement’s (OCSE) updated version of the Security Awareness Training.

This Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) Security Awareness Training is a three-hour course targeted to all Child Support Enforcement staff. It is designed to give child support employees an overall sense of the need to focus on security as a priority in the child support program, the office, and in their personal lives.

This course is organized into four stand-alone modules and includes an appendix that contains handouts used in the course - including a security assessment tool.

Module 1 - Introduction

Module 2 - How Do We Protect the Data?

Module 3 - Protecting the Child Support Enforcement Program

Module 4 - Safeguarding Data/Disclosure Limits

Throughout the course, we discuss how security is becoming vital in the workforce. It takes everyone working together, doing his or her part, to make a successful security program.

This training material will be available on the National Child Support Resource System (NECSRS) in the near future. If you have any questions regarding this training, please contact Danny Markley at (202) 260-1888 or

Thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of America’s children.


Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D.
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: Regional Program Mangers
ACF Regional Administrators
State Training Liaisons

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