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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



DATE: September 14, 2004


RE: Interstate Case Reconciliation (ICR) Desk Aid

Dear Colleague:

During the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) conference the week of August 2, 2004, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) distributed an example of an ICR Desk Aid to conference participants. This desk aid is designed to provide assistance to state caseworkers who contact other states regarding case discrepancies identified through the ICR. It offers tips for asking as well as answering inquiries.

The sample ICR Desk Aid was developed in response to state needs conveyed during the bi-weekly ICR national conference calls held with the states. It was designed as a template for states to use, at their discretion, and may be tailored to meet state-specific needs. The sample desk aid received many favorable comments at the NCSEA conference. We are enclosing a color sample for your review and also making it available at the OCSE ICR library site with instructions on how to print multiple copies:

The ICR Desk Aid is a quick reference for caseworkers who are in contact with other states and should be used in conjunction with the ICR User Guide. The ICR User Guide provides more detailed and comprehensive descriptions of Reason Code errors and the processes used to reconcile them. The Guide also may be accessed at the OCSE web site.

The reconciliation of interstate case data discrepancies is vital to providing more effective service to our nation’s children. We hope that this sample ICR Desk Aid will provide you and your staff with another tool to facilitate the synchronization of interstate cases and thus provide the best possible assistance to families with interstate cases.

If you have any further questions or comments concerning the ICR Desk Aid, please feel free to contact Helen Smith at (202) 690-6639, or


Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D.
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Enclosure: Available in hard copy only

cc: Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators
State ICR Points of Contact

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