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Welcome to the Mechanical Properties and Mechanics Group


The mission of the Mechanical Properties and Mechanics Group (MP&M) is to conduct applied research and development to support the missions of the U.S. Department of Energy to increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore and protect the environment; and contribute to national security. MP&M also collaborates with Universities, Industry and other State and Federal Agencies.

MP&M specializes in the mechanical evaluation and characterization of structural and functional materials; in experimental mechanics and the development of test methods, design codes and life-prediction analyses; in establishing relations among processing, microstructure and mechanical properties and how these change as a function of time, stress, temperature and environment.

MP&M manages a large collection of unique mechanical testing equipment with capabilities to conduct uni- and multi-axial tests from cryogenic to very high temperatures in controlled environments. Many of these facilities are available to researchers in industry and academia through the High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program.

MP&M staff members have expertise with a wide range of materials including metals, ceramics, polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composites, concrete, and functional materials (magnetic, electronic, biomaterials). MP&M also has capabilities for finite-element stress and probabilistic analyses of materials and structures.

The principal technical contact for discussing potential projects in the MP&M Group is Dr. Edgar Lara-Curzio, Leader; tel. (865) 574-1749, e-mail

 Oak Ridge National Laboratory