HAZUS-MH Uses: Map Series - Earthquake

Population Density in Louisville, Kentucky in Relation to the Earthquake Hazard

Image of KY population map

Potential uses for this map include: (Pre-event uses) Evaluation of options for future development in Louisville — residential, commercial and industrial — in relation to potential soil liquefaction zones; Assessment of population in areas of Louisville that are characterized by soft soils that may amplify ground shaking in an earthquake; (Post-event uses) Quick assessment of residential dollar losses from scenario earthquakes in Louisville; and Assessment of the population that is potentially impacted by ground failure from earthquakes.

Download Population Density in Louisville, Kentucky in Relation to the Earthquake Hazard -- Map Series Template Handout 
Download Population Density in Louisville, Kentucky in Relation to the Earthquake Hazard -- Map Series Template Poster

Distribution of Utility Lifelines in Relation to Earthquake Hazard in Portland, Oregon

Image of OR utility map

Potential uses for this map include: (Pre-event uses) Evaluation of options for future extension of utility lifeline systems in Portland in relation to areas of potential soil liquefaction; Prioritization of mitigation measures for system components to reduce vulnerability to potential liquefaction; Evaluation of the population and businesses that are potentially vulnerable to the earthquake hazard in Portland; (Post-event uses) Identification of utility lifelines that are potentially impacted by soil liquefaction; Identification of utilities that are potentially eligible for funds under FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program following a declared disaster; and Identification of mitigation opportunities following a damaging earthquake.

Download Distribution of Utility Lifelines in Relation to Earthquake Hazard in Portland, Oregon -- Map Series Template Handout
Download Distribution of Utility Lifelines in Relation to Earthquake Hazard in Portland, Oregon -- Map Series Template Poster

Ground Shaking from Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on Newport-Inglewood Fault

Image of Newport-Inglewood fault map

Potential uses for this map include: Identification of population, general building stock and lifelines that would be most at risk from magnitude 7.1 earthquake on Newport-Inglewood Fault; Identification of counties and population centers that would be subjected to PGA > 0.4 (area of greatest expected damage); (Post-event uses) Area of impact from the scenario earthquake; and Rapid needs assessment – identification of population, general building stock, essential facilities and lifelines (utilities and transportation) with at least a moderate probability of major or severe damage and potential loss of functionality.

Download Ground Shaking from Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on Newport-Inglewood Fault -- Map Series Template Handout 
Download Ground Shaking from Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake on Newport-Inglewood Fault -- Map Series Template Poster

Last Modified: Tuesday, 04-Mar-2008 09:36:26 EST

Fast Facts

HAZUS-MH Map Template Series products have been developed to support risk assessments, mitigation planning and support for disaster operations. A standardized template has been developed to display the maps with descriptions of the data and analysis. Each map includes an explanation of how the analysis can be used to support decision making for hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. The map templates are available as Handouts or Posters.



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