An Overview of the U.S. Department of Education
June 2002

What Does the Department of Education Do?

In fulfilling the purposes described by Congress, the Department engages in four major types of activities.

1. The Department of Education —
establishes policies relating to federal financial aid for education, administers distribution of those funds, and monitors their use.

Like most federal activities, Department of Education programs must first be authorized by Congress and signed into law by the president. The Department then develops regulations that determine exactly how a program will be operated. These regulations are published in the Federal Register for public comment and reviewed by Congress. Congress must also vote to appropriate the amount of money that each program will receive annually.

The Department distributes financial aid to eligible applicants throughout the nation for elementary, secondary, and college education; for the education of individuals with disabilities and of those who are illiterate, disadvantaged, or gifted; and for the education of immigrants, American Indians, and people with limited English proficiency. Federal funds for education are distributed using three methods: a set formula, competition, and financial need.

By formula: Some programs follow a formula prescribed in the bill approved by Congress authorizing that program. Such a program might be set up so that qualified agencies receive an amount of money that is determined by the number of students meeting certain criteria in that state or school district. For example, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Department allocates nearly $417 million to the states under the grants for infants and families program to help them provide early intervention services for children with disabilities birth through age two, based on the number of children in each state in that age range.

By competition: Federal money is also awarded on the merit of competitive applications. Applicants are ranked in order of merit, and the most qualified applicants are awarded funds. Those eligible for such funding include state and local education agencies; school districts; education partnerships (programs jointly sponsored by education institutions and the private sector); college and universities; individual researchers; and community-based organizations, such as nonprofit agencies.

By financial need: The third basis on which federal money is awarded is based on financial need. Postsecondary students applying for grants, loans, and fellowships for undergraduate and graduate studies must prove family financial need according to established guidelines.

2. The Department of Education—
collects data and oversees research on America's schools and disseminates this information to educators and the general public.

The Department oversees research on most aspects of education; collects data on trends; and gathers information to help identify approaches, ideas, and teaching techniques that work. Employees of the Department, as well as contractors and grant recipients, carry out the research.

Research findings and statistics are disseminated to educators, policymakers, parents, and the general public in the form of reports and publications -- both printed and online. Recent publications have discussed school safety, helping children become readers, the use of technology in education, the latest national assessments of educational progress, and much more.

3. The Department of Education—
identifies the major issues and problems in education and focuses national attention on them.

The Department makes recommendations for education reform. The secretary advises the president in this regard and leads the Department in implementing the president's education policies in many arenas -- from the preparation of legislative proposals for Congress to decisions about education research priorities. Of vital importance in formulating and implementing policies is the Department's close work with a variety of advisory groups and organizations composed of citizens from all walks of life who have an interest and expertise in education and who provide significant ideas on key policies and programs.

In addition, the secretary brings national attention to education issues by giving speeches, writing articles for publication, addressing the press and the media, and making personal appearances. The Department further highlights education issues by sponsoring and participating in national conferences and other activities. Some of these programs include the President's Education Awards Program, the Presidential Scholars Program, Back-to-School activities and satellite town meetings, as well as special events and ceremonies to honor teachers or students.

4. The Department of Education—
enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funds and ensures equal access to education for every individual.

The Department enforces five civil rights statutes that ensure equal educational opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age. These laws extend to all state education agencies, elementary and secondary school systems, colleges and universities, vocational schools, proprietary schools, state and vocational rehabilitation agencies, libraries, and museums that receive U.S. Department of Education funds. Specific examples of those whose rights are protected include homeless children with disabilities, individuals with limited English proficiency, women and girls in athletic programs, and persons in need of vocational rehabilitation.

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Last Modified: 10/15/2007