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Wildlife Damage Management
USDA - APHIS - Wildlife Damage

National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC)


photo of NWRC Wildlife Science BuildingWelcome to the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC), a major facility within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's (APHIS) Wildlife Services (WS) program. The National Wildlife Research Center is the federal institution devoted to resolving problems caused by the interaction of wild animals and society. The Center applies scientific expertise to the development of practical methods to resolve these problems and to maintain the quality of the environments shared with wildlife.

NWRC is headquartered on the Foothills Research Campus of Colorado State University (CSU) in Fort Collins, CO. Approximately two-thirds of NWRC's 150-person staff is located in Fort Collins; the remainder of the highly specialized staff are located throughout the United States, and address regional wildlife damage management issues. Further, NWRC routinely conducts international consultancies in this specialized area.

NWRC Organizational Chart
Outdoor Animal Research Facility
Construction Update (Animal Research Building and Invasive Species Research Building) (HTML)
Construction Update (Downloadable Factsheet, PDF 1,878K)
Close-up Photo of ISRB

The Problem and the Solution

No wild animal is undesirable. Yet almost any wild animal can cause damage to crops, natural resources, or property, or become a threat to human safety.

  • Deer and smaller mammals can consume newly planted tree seedlings and other crops.
  • Birds in large, high-density flocks can decimate grain and sunflower fields.
  • Predators attack livestock and other domestic animals.
  • Wild animals can spread diseases such as lyme disease, rabies, plague, and histoplasmosis.

Mission and Objectives

NWRC develops effective wildlife damage management methods through contributions in the following areas:

  • Damage assessment
  • Investigation of the biology and behavior of problem animals
  • Evaluation of the impact of management practices on wildlife and the environment
  • Development and improvement of present management technologies
  • Investigation of potential applications of new management technologies
  • Support of registration of chemicals and drugs used to manage wildlife
  • Transfer of scientific and technical information
  • Provision of scientific guidelines on wildlife damage for use by regulatory agencies
  • Development of cooperative research and training with other organizations
  • Responsiveness to needs of user groups and the public.

The Center evaluates damage situations and develops methods and tools to reduce or eliminate damage and resolve land-use conflicts. NWRC scientists study birds, mammalian predators, rodents, and other wildlife that cause serious but localized damage problems. The Center designs studies to ensure that the methods developed to alleviate animal damage are biologically sound, effective, safe, economical, and acceptable to the public. NWRC scientists produce the appropriate methods, technology, and materials for reducing animal damage. Through the publication of results and the exchange of technical information, the Center provides valuable data and expertise to the public and the scientific community, as well as to APHIS's Wildlife Services (WS) program.

NWRC--A Leader in Nonlethal Wildlife Solutions (Downloadable Factsheet, PDF 1,988K)

The Center employs more than 160 scientists, technicians, and support personnel at its Fort Collins, CO, headquarters and at field stations in several other states. Scientific and support staff, all focused on particular wildlife damage issues, specialize in the following disciplines:

Animal behavior/psychology
Animal care
Archives management
Computer science

Information Transfer
Quality assurance

Veterinary medicine
Wildlife biology
Wildlife disease

The Center relies on the services of people with additional specialties through cooperative ties with universities, not-for-profit research facilities, and other public and private research entities.

Research Areas

  • Blackbird management in the United States
  • Biotechnology and immunocontraceptive vaccines for overabundant animals
  • Predator depredation on domestic animals and threatened and endangered species
  • Ecology of coyote depredation
  • Mammal damage to forest resources
  • Integrated pest management strategies for rodent damage to crops and rangeland
  • Bird predation at aquaculture facilities
  • Registration of chemicals and drugs as management tools
  • Taste and olfaction in selected wildlife species for development of nonlethal chemical repellents for birds and mammals
  • Wildlife hazardous to aviation
  • Chemical control methods for the brown treesnake on Guam
  • Role of wildlife in disease transmission

Cooperative Activities

To extend its capabilities for research and training, the Center establishes formal or informal cooperative programs with U.S. universities:

  • Colorado State University
  • Cornell University
  • Mississippi State University
  • North Dakota State University
  • Ohio State University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Queensland (Australia) University of Technology
  • Rutgers University
  • Texas A&M University--Kingsville
  • University of Colorado
  • University of Florida
  • University of Nebraska
  • University of Nevada
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Wisconsin
  • University of Wyoming
  • Utah State University

International Cooperation

To facilitate international exchange of information, the Center cooperates with the U.S. Agency for International Development and other international organizations. In these cooperative efforts, NWRC scientists develop and test new techniques of wildlife damage management and transfer the wildlife damage management technology to scientists and technicians in host countries. Center scientists develop methods for reducing severe agricultural damage caused by a variety of rodents, birds, and other vertebrate pests in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.



NWRC believes in the following:

  • Being responsive to the concerns and values of the public
  • Providing valid, objective information of the highest quality
  • Promoting the welfare of animals and the quality of the environment
  • Encouraging employees' high morale and growth and development
  • Maintaining a quality work environment
  • Providing equal opportunity for employment and advancement

Studies conducted at the National Wildlife Research Center will continue to provide new information needed to protect American agriculture from wildlife-related problems. These studies will help America manage its wildlife resources wisely and effectively into the future.

History of the NWRC

Last Modified: November 19, 2007