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White House Conferences on
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

The White House is hosting a new series of regional conferences in partnership with states across the country.

These events are designed to connect effective social service organizations with resources that can strengthen and expand the services they offer to the people they serve.

As in the past, the conferences will provide an understanding of the President’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative, information about the federal grants process and funding opportunities, and the basic legal responsibilities that come with federal funding.

In addition, special emphasis will be placed on opportunities for partnership at the state and local level. These opportunities range from funding provided through grants and contracts, to non-financial partnerships like mutual-referral relationships with local government agencies, to government services that can supplement the aid nonprofits provide to their clients.

Ultimately, the conferences work to make both nonprofit organizations and government more effective at meeting human need. Both have unique strengths and abilities. And when government joins in service with committed faith-based and community organizations, we can always do more to build up our neighbors in need.

“Staying focused on helping change America one person at a time is a vital part of government, corporate America, philanthropic America, and the faith and community-based programs…the common good is achieved in America when we help people who hurt, when we provide mentors for people who need love, when we provide food for those who are hungry, and we provide shelter for those who need shelter.”

President George W. Bush
Remarks at White House National Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Washington, DC, March 9, 2006