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Date:         Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:48:02 -0400
Reply-To:     Subject Coordinates Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Subject Coordinates Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Colleen R. Cahill" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Welcome message updates
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

The SUBCOOR listserv welcome message has been updated: please retain the following message: __________________________________ Welcome to the Geographic Subject Coordinates Listserv! By subscribing to this Listserv, you agree to the following: You are fully responsible for everything that you post and will follow the general rules of respectful civil discourse. The content of all comments is released into the public domain unless clearly stated otherwise. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. The Library of Congress may decline to post messages that are off-topic, disruptive or for any reason whatever, without consent, and we further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's privilege to post content on this Listserv. Please READ this message and RETAIN for future reference. You may leave this list at any time by sending a message to the Library of Congress UNIX-listserv address [log in to unmask] with the message "UNSUBSCRIBE SUBCOOR" or by going to the Subcoor webpage at SUBCOOR is operated by the Library of Congress. It uses the UNIX-listserv software. ABOUT THE FORUM: SUBCOOR is a moderated computer forum open to anyone interested in discussing issues related to the use of geographic coordinates for place searches of various metadata systems. SUBCOOR provides an opportunity for members of the international community to participate in discussions related to the investigation of the need, format, and use of coordinates to allow searching of materials by a geographically-based interface. Messages sent to the UNIX-listserv are read as commands by the program. If they make no sense the program rejects them. When you subscribed to SUBCOOR, you sent a command to the UNIX-listserv. You may post a messsage, read the archives or edit your account settings at either or by using the commands below through an email message. HOW TO SEND MESSAGES TO SUBCOOR: [log in to unmask] is the Internet address of the discussion list. Mail sent to that address is distributed by the UNIX-listserv to everyone who is subscribed to the list. Several options are open to you when you receive mail from SF-LIT: 1) If you want your response to go to all subscribers to SUBCOOR, reply to the list. 2) If you want your response to go only to the person who posted the message, look in the header of the message to find the "FROM:" field where you will see that person's e-mail address or check at the end of their note for that individual's address. Then send your note directly to that person. 3) You may also post at 4) Trust that the MODERATORS will handle problems that come up, such as incorrect subscription messages. REPLY FUNCTION: Using the automatic reply function on your local mail system will return your reply to ALL THE READERS OF THIS FORUM, not just to the person who sent the original posting. Please do not use the automatic reply functions on your local mailers. For questions or problems, contact the names at the end of this message. There is no method that will allow UNIX-listserv to account for all of the possible local implementations of the many varying mailers available in the Internet. Therefore, some experimentation may be required to see how your local mailer will interact with messages from this UNIX-listserv. UNIX-LISTSERV: This forum is operated in the UNIX environment, but is not a simple mail-reflector. The UNIX-listserv, programmed by Anastasios C. Kotsikonas (Copyright (c) 1992,1992), has many features similar to BITNET LISTSERV systems, although the syntax of commands varies slightly. To begin learning more about the system, send one or more of the following commands to [log in to unmask] HELP LISTS No subject line is required (or suggested) when communicating with the UNIX-listserv ([log in to unmask]), although if you include one it will be ignored. After your request has been processed, you will receive a message from the UNIX-listserv giving brief information regarding the commands this system supports. SUBSCRIBER USER COMMANDS: The following messages are sent to [log in to unmask]: HELP [topic]: sends a help message on all valid requests or the selected topic. SET SUBCOOR [option value]: returns current values for set; or use to set subscriber preferences, e.g.: SET SUBCOOR REPRO: send copy of the message to original sender SET SUBCOOR NOREPRO: default; do not send copy of the message to original sender SET SUBCOOR NOMail: do not send messages to particular subscriber until he changes status again; to change status when subscriber wishes again to receive messages send SET SUBCOOR Mail SET SUBCOOR DIGEST: do not send individual messages to particular subscriber. Instead, store messages in a digest and send when digest exceeds a specified number of lines, or when a specified amount of time has passed since last digest sent. SET SUBCOOR <headertype>: you can use this to control the amount of mail header information prepended to messages. The choices are: SET SUBCOOR FULLHdr - "Full" mail headers (default setting) SET SUBCOOR SHORTHdr - Short headers SET SUBCOOR IETFhdr - Internet-style headers SET SUBCOOR DUALhdr - Dual headers, useful with PC or MAC mail programs SUBSCRIBE SUBCOOR full_name: subscribe sender to list (list automatically picks up the address; use full name in text of message) SIGNOFF SUBCOOR: Removes the SUBCOOR account and ceases message delivery INDex SUBCOOR: gives a list of files available through the list archives BASIC SUBCOOR ETIQUETTE: Discussion and postings on SUBCOOR should relate to issues and questions about using geographic coordinates in metadata for subject searching. The list is primarily intended for librarians, researchers, and scholars who have an interest in this topic. However, anyone interested in discussing metadata and coordinates is welcome to join the list. Subscribers may provide clarification and correct errors of fact for postings on the list. However, a copy of the text being clarified or corrected should be included in their response to avoid confusion. Courtesy among subscribers is assumed. Cross-Postings from other Lists: Cross-posting is a normal procedure on discussion lists throughout the Internet. Cross-postings should, if possible, have the note "from <original list>" in the subject field. That way, it will be easier for people subscribed to several lists to delete them from their readers. MODERATORS AND CONTACTS: SUBCOOR is moderated by staff at the Library of Congress: Colleen Cahill Digital Conversion Coordinator, Geography & Map Division [log in to unmask] (202) 707-8540 If you encounter difficulties with mail or need technical assistance contact the Library of Congress Systems Coordinator, Larry M. Eckley ([log in to unmask]).

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