Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center, Booneville, Arkansas Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Welcome to the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center

  The Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center is a partnership among three agencies:  Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service (ACES).  The mission of the ARS unit at Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center is to develop scientific principles and technologies to enhance the profitability and sustainability of small scale farms.  Research at the Center seeks knowledge that will increase sustainability of small farms by diversifying production, reducing inputs, and capturing a greater proportion of the post-farm value while protecting and/or enhancing small farm’s natural resources.  A multi-disciplinary team of 5 ARS scientists pursue a program of basic and applied research that addresses constraints to successful sustainable livestock-forage and agroforestry systems.  Center scientists have cooperative projects with scientists at Oregon State University, University of Arkansas, and University of Missouri seeking solutions that will minimize the economic impact of fescue toxicosis in grazing ruminants.  Center scientists cooperate with scientists at Shirley Community Development Center and University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry to determine best management protocols for trees in agroforestry practices.  Acquired knowledge and technology are transferred to the agricultural community through the efforts of ARS scientists and their cooperators.

Center History

Local Support


In early 1976, the Booneville Chamber of Commerce appointed a select committee on colony land utilization.  By the end of 1976, the committee had secured from the Western Arkansas Planning and Development District a study and recommendation as to the best usage of this acreage.  Priority #1 was a Small Farms Research Center.  The Chamber of Commerce select committee is presently called the USDA Committee.


Political Support


In early 1977, the local committee contacted Senator John L. McClellan; Senator Dale Bumpers; Congressman John Paul Hammerschmidt;, Congressman Bill Alexander; Governor David Pryor; Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton; State Senator Clovis Bryant; State Representative Frank Willems; MRDDS Board, Dr. James Martin, University of Arkansas (UofA); and Dr. Lloyd Warren, UofA.  All of these were instrumental in securing funds and development of the Center.


In 1978 an Act of the U.S. Congress authorized and allocated funds for a task force to consider the feasibility of establishing a center at Booneville, Arkansas.  The feasibility study was completed in March 1979 for a Small Farm Research and Extension Center to serve the needs of small farmers in the mid-south region of the U.S. and Congress approved funds for the Center. 


Recommendations for Establishment


The task force decided the initial research thrust at the South Central Small Farms Research Center would be: (1) a ruminant animal-forage research program; and (2) a small fruit and vegetable research program, with an initial staff of a federal Program Coordinator, two federal research scientists, a farm manager, and an administrative clerk.


An agreement between the State of Arkansas Children=s Colony and the University of Arkansas made available approximately 2,000 acres for leasing by USDA-REE-ARS.


The task force recommended a headquarters building, headhouse/greenhouse, farm shop, water-well house, and other needed support facilities be constructed, repaired, or renovated at a proposed site along Highway 23 approximately 6.5 miles southwest of Booneville.


Center Establishment


In January 1980, a Program coordinator was designated for the South Central Small Farms Research Center and a Program Planning Committee, composed of representatives of the University of Arkansas, USDA-REE-ARS, and USDA-EXT was appointed. 


In 1980 temporary offices were established downtown in Booneville until office space was made available on the leased property.  In October 1980, there was a ground breaking ceremony establishing the start of the Research Center of approximately 1000" acres.  Actual Center development began in the spring of 1981.  The Center grew from ca 1000" acres to ca 2300" acres in 1993. 


Center Additions


In December 1982 the USDA Committee met with USDA, Soil Conservation Service (SCS) representatives to discuss the concept of a Plant Materials Center in Booneville at the Small Farms Research Center already established.


In January 1983, a proposal was written and a resolution passed by the Arkansas Soil and Water Commission supporting the establishment of the Plant Materials Center at Booneville.  In March 1983 the proposal was sent to SCS Chief and in June the Arkansas Congressional Delegation in Washington gave the project its complete support.  Concerns were voiced about finances, however in 1984 the Agricultural Appropriation Bill contained instructions for USDA to review the proposal of a Plant Materials Center at Booneville. 


By May 1984 over 60 percent of the Center was in use for experimentation and the remainder to support our cattle herd.   Perimeter fences and cross fences have been replaced or rebuilt.


Funds were unavailable for the Plant Materials Center until Congress appropriated funds in August 1986.  In 1987 an agreement was made between ARS and SCS to lease office facilities and approximately 120" acres.  Since their establishment in 1987, the Booneville Plant Materials Center has grown to approximately 282 acres.


Name Changes


During the development of the Center, the name has changed from South Central Small Farms Research to South Central Small Farm Research Center, to South Central Family Farm Research Center to South Central Family Farms Research Center to Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center.


Scientific Center staff from 1980 to present:


1980 - 1985      Research Entomologist, Research Leader

1980 - 1990      UofA Livestock Foreman

1980 - Present   Supervisory Agronomist, Category III

1981 - 1990      Research Horticulturist

1981 - 1991      Research Plant Pathologist/Nematologist

1981 - 1988      UofA Animal Scientist

1982 - 1991      Research Agronomist

1985 - 1997      Supervisory Animal Scientist, Research Leader

1990 - Present   Animal Scientist, Category III

1990 - 1997      Research Agronomist

1991 - 1995      Research Range Scientist

1992 - 2003      Research Agronomist

1995 - 1999      Research Animal Scientist

1995 - 1997      Research Agronomist

1995 - 1999      Research Forester

1998 - Present   Supervisory Research Agronomist, Research Leader

1998 - Present   Soil Scientist

1999 - Present   Research Animal Scientist

1999 - Present   Research Agronomist

2002 - Present   Research Animal Scientist


The support staff consisted primarily of temporary University of Arkansas employees and has evolved to seven technicians, an auto mechanic, an engineering equipment operator, a tractor operator, a farmer/tractor operator, an animal caretaker, and a program assistant. 


Center Staff 2006


The Center Staff has grown from four permanent employees in 1980 to 22 permanent employees (5 Research Scientists; 4 Support Scientists; 7 technicians, a Location Administrative Officer, 4 agronomy and livestock support, and a program assistant).


Last Modified: 01/18/2006