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Monthly Budget Review


  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2009  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for November and the Daily Treasury Statements for December



  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2007  html  pdf  blog

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for October and the Daily Treasury Statements for November
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for September and the Daily Treasury Statements for October
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for August and the Daily Treasury Statements for September
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for July and the Daily Treasury Statements for August
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for June and the Daily Treasury Statements for July
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for May and the Daily Treasury Statements for June
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for April and the Daily Treasury Statements for May
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for March and the Daily Treasury Statements for April
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for February and the Daily Treasury Statements for March
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for January and the Daily Treasury Statements for February
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for December and the Daily Treasury Statements for January
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2007  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for November and the Daily Treasury Statements for December


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for October and the Daily Treasury Statements for November
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for September and the Daily Treasury Statements for October
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for August and the Daily Treasury Statements for September
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2006  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for July and the Daily Treasury Statements for August
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for June and the Daily Treasury Statements for July
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for May and the Daily Treasury Statements for June
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for April and the Daily Treasury Statements for May
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2006  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for March and the Daily Treasury Statements for April
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2006  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for February and the Daily Treasury Statements for March
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2006  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for January and the Daily Treasury Statements for February
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2006  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for December and the Daily Treasury Statements for January
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2006  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for November and the Daily Treasury Statements for December


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2005  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for October and the Daily Treasury Statements for November
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2005  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for September and the Daily Treasury Statements for October
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for August and the Daily Treasury Statements for September
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for July and the Daily Treasury Statements for August
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for June and the Daily Treasury Statements for July
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for May and the Daily Treasury Statements for June
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for April and the Daily Treasury Statements for May
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for March and the Daily Treasury Statements for April
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for February and the Daily Treasury Statements for March
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for January and the Daily Treasury Statements for February
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for December and the Daily Treasury Statements for January
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2005  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for November and the Daily Treasury Statements for December


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for October and the Daily Treasury Statements for November
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for September and the Daily Treasury Statements for October
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for August and the Daily Treasury Statements for September
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for July and the Daily Treasury Statements for August
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for June and the Daily Treasury Statements for July
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for May and the Daily Treasury Statements for June
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for April and the Daily Treasury Statements for May
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for March and the Daily Treasury Statements for April
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for February and the Daily Treasury Statements for March
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the Monthly Treasury Statement for January and the Daily Treasury Statements for February
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the January 2004 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2004  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the December 2003 Daily Treasury Statement


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the November 2003 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the October 2003 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the September 2003 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the August 2003 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the July 2003 Daily Treasury Statement
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the June 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the May 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the April 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the March 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement and the February 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the January 2003 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2003  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the December 2002 Daily Treasury Statements


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the November 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the October 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the September 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the August 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the July 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the June 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the May 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the April 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the March 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 2002 Monthly Treasury Statement and the February 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the January 2002 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2002  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the December 2001 Daily Treasury Statements


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the November 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the October 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the September 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the August 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the July 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the June 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the May 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the April 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the March 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 2001 Monthly Treasury Statement and the February 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the January 2001 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2001  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the December 2000 Daily Treasury Statements


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the November 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the October 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the September 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the August 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the July 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the June 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the May 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the April 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the March 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 2000 Monthly Treasury Statement and the February 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the January 2000 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 2000  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the December 1999 Daily Treasury Statements


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the November 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the October 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the September 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the August 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the July 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 1999 Monthly Treasury Statement and the June 1999 Daily Treasury Statements
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 1999 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for May 1999
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 1999 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for April 1999
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 1999 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for March 1999
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 1999 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for February 1999
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for January 1999
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 1999  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for December 1998


  • Monthly Budget Review
    December 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the October 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for November 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    November 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the September 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for October 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    October 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the August 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for September 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    September 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the July 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for August 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    August 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the June 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for July 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    July 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the May 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for June 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    June 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the April 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for May 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    May 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the March 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for April 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    April 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the February 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for March 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    March 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the January 1998 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for February 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    February 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the December 1997 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for January 1998
  • Monthly Budget Review
    January 1998  html  pdf  

    Based on the November 1997 Treasury Statement and the Daily Treasury Statements for December 1997