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How Small Children Make a Big Difference (PDF)
By Alan Sinclair
Provocation Series, 3, 1; January 2007

Summary: This paper demonstrates how vital the early years are to good economics, social mobility, quality of life, and government plans for reform in the United Kingdom. It shows why parenting and early enrichment are important. There is a direct link between the experiences of early childhood and subsequent adulthood. What happens in the very earliest years of life makes the biggest difference. Brain development is most rapid in the months before birth and up to age five years. Research shows that the right parenting or good enough parenting, backed up by enriched child care, improves the life of the child. Improved child well-being leads to improved behavior, attainment in education, employment, and relationships. Investment in parenting and improved child care is needed to address equity, life chances, and economic efficiency.

Index Terms: Child Care, Early Childhood Intervention, Enrichment, Infant Toddler Child Care, Parenting, Quality Of Child Care, Brain Development, Disadvantaged, Parent Education, Research Reports, Stress, England, United Kingdom

Publisher: The Work Foundation

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 58 pages
Language: English

The Work Foundation
21 Palmer Street
London, United Kingdom SW1H 0AD
020 7976 3620

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