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Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women: 2004 - List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure A. Percentage of high school seniors? responses to the question, ?How do you feel about school?? by sex: 1980 and 2001

Figure B. Average scale scores in reading for fourth-, eighth- and twelfth-graders, by sex: Various years, 1992, 2002, and 2003

Figure C. Average scale scores in writing for fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-graders, by sex: 1998 and 2002

Figure D. Average score on Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, by test subject area and sex: 2002

Figure E. Average scale scores in mathematics for fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-graders, by sex: 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2003

Figure F. Percent of public high school graduates of 2000 who had taken various mathematics and science courses in high school, by sex: 2000

Figure G. Percent of high school seniors who participated in various school-related activities during the school year, by sex: 2001

Figure H. Percent of high school completers who were enrolled in college the October following high school completion, by sex: October 1972 to October 2001

Figure I. Percent of undergraduates who were female, by enrollment status: Various years, fall 1970 to fall 2000

Figure J. Females as a percent of total enrollment in undergraduate, graduate, and first professional education: Various years, fall 1970 to fall 2000

Figure K. Percent of bachelor?s degrees conferred to females, by selected fields of study: 1969-70 and 2000-01

  List of Figures
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