Link to Other Corps SitesWelcome to West Thompson Lake, Connecticut

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While you are at it why not let us know what types of programs you would be interesed in?

Some of the programs that have been offered at West Thompson lake include:

  • Guided Hikes around West Thompson Lake (aprox. 4 miles, 3 - 3.5 hrs)
  • Guided Canoe/Kayak Paddles around West Thompson Lake or Down the Quinebaug River.
  • ABC hikes for kids. On this hike children are challenged to find things in nature that begin with all of the letters of the alphabet. Come find out what we have for "Q".
  • Historical Hikes to Alice's Farm and area of the old Village.
  • General Nature Hikes with themes such as Animal Homes and Birds of West Thompson Lake.
  • Ranger lead classes Orienteering (map and compass), Basic Wilderness Survival, Bugs of West Thompson Lake, What is Flood Damage Reduction and How does it work?, Water Quality, and Who is the Corps of Engineers?
  • Ranger lead Water Safety Programs.
  • Free Fishing Derbies.
  • Conservation Projects.