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Automatic Processing

Summary Info


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Plot (.gmt)

North America fixed results

ITRF2000 results

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Segment: 0 No-of-obs-used: 13
Vel(mm/a) Vel-sig(mm/a) RMS(mm) StdDevObsUnitWt Vel-XYZ(mm/a):
N: 20.4 0.8 4.75 1.31 -29.3
E: -39.7 1.0 5.92 1.15 28.2
U: 4.4 2.5 19.74 1.45 19.0
Error bars are plus/minus one standard deviation
Error bars on individual observations = formal-error x scale-factor.
Currently the scale-factors are: N:3.0, E:4.0, U:3.0

Red points are positions determined using final orbits
Blue points are positions determined using preliminary orbits
Vel-stddev = sqrt(WN**2+RW**2)
where WN is a white noise contribution from propagating the error bars on the observations
and RW is a random walk contribution (= a*sqrt(timespan)/timespan where a is 0.001 m/yr**1/2)