Important Notification

North American Coral Snake Antivenin (Micruris fulvius) (Equine) Lot 4030026 - Extended Dating Period to October 31, 2009

This is to provide you with important information regarding Antivenin (Micruris fulvius) (Equine), commonly referred to as North American Coral Snake Antivenin. Antivenin (Micruris fulvius) (Equine) is indicated for treatment of envenomation by Micruris fulvius fulvius (Eastern Coral Snake) and Micruris fulvius tenere (Texas Coral Snake). This product was manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.

FDA has extended the expiration date on this lot of Antivenin (Micruris fulvius) (Equine). The extension is based upon FDA evaluation of stability data, which determined that this lot of product will maintain stability and potency for an additional year.

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals no longer manufactures Antivenin (Micruris fulvius) (Equine). There is no alternative product licensed in the U.S. for coral snake envenomations. Lot 4030026 is labeled with an expiration date of October 31, 2008. Because this lot has a new expiration date, you may continue to maintain the product in your inventory and keep it available for use until October 31, 2009. The manufacturer is updating the current labeling through a Dear Health Care Provider Letter.

Lot 4030026 continues to be available. Wyeth is closely managing their inventory, and will supply product only to direct customers.

Further information

Manufacturer's Letter (PDF, 88KB)

Package Insert

Updated: October 29, 2008