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Other Research

The Application of Effect Sizes in Research on Children and Families: Understanding Impacts on Academic, Emotional Behavioral and Economic Outcomes

Overview | Presentations and Papers




 Presentations and Papers

The Application of Effect Sizes in Research on Children and Families: Understanding Impacts on Academic, Emotional Behavioral and Economic Outcomes Meeting, March 5, 2007

  • Welcome and Overview
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 32k]

  • What are effect sizes and why we need them? Larry Hedges, Northwestern University
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 191k]

  • How should we calculate effect sizes? What are common mistakes in the calculation of effect sizes? How does research design influence the calculation of effect sizes? Howard Bloom, MDRC
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 190k]

  • Issues in calculating average effect sizes in meta-analyses, Rebecca Maynard, Nianbo Dong, and Irma Perez-Johnson, University of Pennsylvania
    [HTML | Color PDF, 228k]

  • Panel 1 Summary
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  • Using Empirical Benchmarks for Interpreting Effect Sizes, Carolyn Hill, Georgetown University (joint work with Howard Bloom (MDRC), Alison Black (MDRC), and Mark Lipsey (Vanderbilt)
    [HTML | Color PDF, 149k]

  • How measurement of outcomes affects the interpretation and understanding of effect sizes, Margaret Burchinal, University of North Carolina
    [HTML | Color PDF, 37k]
  • Contextualizing effect sizes by examining population, study, and outcome characteristics: Extended investigation using multilevel models and mixtures, Hendricks Brown, University of South Florida
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 101k]
  • What is best practice when using Effect Sizes to convey information about prevention and intervention research to practitioners and policymakers? H. Stephen Leff, Human Services Research Institute
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 45k]

  • Penny Wise and Effect Size Foolish, Greg Duncan, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 41k]

  • Considering effect sizes within the policy context Helping Educators, Parents and Students Find Meaning in Research Results, Harris Cooper, Duke University
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 27k]



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