Update February 16, 2008 This notice must go to anyone who gives vaccines Due to temporary Hib Vaccine shortage: Do not give Hib vaccine booster dose to healthy children aged 12-15 months.(Continue to give to high-risk children: those with asplenia, sickle cell disease, HIV, other immune syndromes, or who are Alaskan or Native American—boost as usual) Do now: Keep track of those children who did not get the booster dose. Later: Plan to vaccinate them when supply improves. Do now: Continue regular vaccination for infants under 12 months. Make sure the vaccine used is not from recalled Merck PedvaxHIB (registered) or COMVAX (registered) lots. For more information: www.cdc.gov/vaccines Health and Human Services logo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logo http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/shortages/hib-flyer-022008.txt