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	This story was printed from the USDA, Farm Service Agency Newsroom,
	located at 
Farm Service Agency
Public Affairs Staff
1400 Independence Ave SW
Stop 0506, Room 3624-South
Washington, D.C. 20250-0506

                                         Release No. 1719.04
Program Announcement

                              Stevin Westcott (202) 720-4178


      WASHINGTON, Oct. 14, 2004 -- The Department of 
Agriculture's Commodity Credit Corporation today announced 
the prevailing world market price, adjusted to U.S. 
quality and location (adjusted world price or AWP), for 
Strict Low Middling (SLM) 1-1/16 inch (leaf grade 4, 
micronaire 3.5-3.6 and 4.3-4.9, strength 25.5-29.4 grams 
per tex, length uniformity of 80-82 percent) upland cotton 
(base quality), the coarse count adjustment (CCA) and the 
loan deficiency payment rate, and the user marketing 
certificate (Step 2) payment rate that will be in effect 
from 12:01 a.m., Eastern time, Friday, Oct. 15, 2004, 
through midnight, Eastern time, Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004.  

Adjusted World Price (AWP) ................ 37.69
Coarse Count Adjustment (CCA) .............  0.00
Loan Deficiency Payment Rate .............. 14.31
User Marketing Cert. Rate (Step 2).........  0.00

This week’s AWP and CCA are determined as follows:
NE Price ..............................     52.75
Avg. U.S. spot market location ... -11.55
SLM 1-1/16 inch cotton ............ –3.55
Avg. U.S. location ................  0.04
Sum of Adjustments ....................... –15.06

ADJUSTED WORLD PRICE ...................... 37.69

NE Price ................................   52.75
NE Coarse Count Price ...................  –50.10
Adjustment to SLM 1-1/32 inch cotton ....   –5.60

COARSE COUNT ADJUSTMENT (Cannot be less than zero) 0.00

      The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 
provides that the AWP may be further adjusted if: 1) the 
AWP is less than 115 percent of the current crop year loan 
rate for base quality upland cotton, and 2) the USNE price 
exceeds the NE price.  This week, both conditions for this 
adjustment have been met, and it has been determined that 
this further adjustment to the AWP shall be 0.00 cents per 
      Because the AWP for the period is less than 52.00 
cents per pound, which is the base quality loan rate, the 
loan repayment rate during this period is equal to the 
AWP, adjusted for the specific quality and location.  The 
loan repayment amount will be further adjusted by the 
application of a storage credit, and interest will be 

     Because the AWP is less than the 2004-crop loan rate, 
cash loan deficiency payments (LDPs) will be paid to 
eligible producers who agree to forego obtaining price 
support loans with respect to the 2004 crop.  The payment 
rate of 14.31 cents per pound is the difference between the 
base loan rate of 52.00 cents and the AWP.  

         Step 2 payments will not be made this week.  The USNE 
price has not exceeded the NE price for four consecutive 
weeks.  Relevant data for the Step 2 program follow:

                AWP as %
      Fri/Thur  of 2004                 USNE
      Period    Base Loan USNE   NE     Less     Step 2 Dates
Week  Ending    Rate      Price  Price  NE Price Rate   Applicable
                             .......... cents/lb ...........	
1     09/23/04   76.8     53.95  55.00  -1.05    0.00   (09/24-09/30)
2     09/30/04   76.2     53.95  54.67  -0.72    0.00   (10/01-10/07)
3     10/07/04   73.9     53.50  53.48   0.02    0.00   (10/08-10/14)
4     10/14/04   72.5     52.85  52.75   0.10    0.00   (10/15-10/28)	

      NOTE: The next announcement of the AWP, CCA, LDP 
rate, and user marketing certificate payment rate for 
upland cotton will be on Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004, at 5 
p.m., Eastern time.

      Further program information is available from Steve 
Neff, (202) 720-7954, e-mail


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advisories are available on the World Wide Web at FSA's 
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