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The CDC Public Health Law News Archive
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

From the Public Health Law Program, Office of the Chief of Public Health Practice, CDC





*** Pandemic Flu Storybook. CDC has released the "Pandemic Influenza Storybook," containing narratives from survivors, families, and friends about the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

Visit http://www.pandemicflu.gov/storybook/index.html.


*** C. difficile Series. The Hamilton Spectator has published a five-part series on C. difficile, a hospital-acquired infection plaguing Canadian hospitals. The first article of the series, "A Killer in Ontario's Hospitals," is available at http://www.thespec.com/Discover/article/434636.


*** Continuity of Court Operations Planning Guide Course. The National Center for State Courts has released an online course intended to augment and reinforce information provided in the COOP Planning Guide. For more information, visit http://www.ncsconline.org/D_Research/coop/index.html.


*** Smoking Prevalence Report. The Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center has published a report entitled "Relationship Between Cigarette Taxes, Environmental Policy, and Smoking Prevalence," available at http://www.uwyo.edu/wysac/HealthEducation/Tobacco/docs/Smokefree Policies Cigarette Tax Increases and Prevalence CHES 819 9 05 08.pdf.


*** Health and the Earth Symposium (9/25). The National Academies' Policy and Global Affairs Division will present "Global Connections between Earth Sciences, Health, and Policy: A Symposium" on September 25, 2008 in Washington D.C. For more information, visit http://www8.nationalacademies.org/publicmeeting/meetingview.aspx?meetingid=252.


*** PlanFirst Webcast (9/25). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will hold a Webcast on September 25 at 2:00 p.m. ET on individual preparedness. The program will teach citizens about steps they can take to plan for a pandemic. For more information, visit http://www.pandemicflu.gov/news/panflu_webinar.html.


*** HIPAA Fundamentals Teleconference (9/25). The American Bar Association Section of Health Law, Young Lawyers Division will hold a teleconference entitled "HIPAA Fundamentals," on September 25, 2008 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET. For more information, visit http://www.abanet.org/cle/programs/t08hpf1.html.


*** HIPAA Enforcement Teleconference (10/2). An American Bar Association Health Law Section teleconference, "HIPAA Enforcement: Privacy and Security Update -- Investigations, Resolutions, Penalties and Dispositions" will be held October 2, 2008 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET. For more information, visit http://www.abanet.org/cle/programs/t08hep1.html.


*** Women's Law Fellowship Programs Call for Applications (9/26 and 10/31). Georgetown University Law Center is accepting applications for the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program and the Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa Fellowship Program. The deadline for the first program is October 31; the latter's deadline is September 26. For more information visit http://www.law.georgetown.edu/wlppfp, or contact Executive Director Julia L. Ernst, at 202.662.9644.




Top Story


1. Getting ahead of the next big storm




2. 2 withdraw from petition to rethink drinking age

3. Jump in U.S. measles cases linked to vaccine fears

4. Tighter lead rule for kids' items



Briefly Noted


California gang injunction · Calorie bill opposition · Artificial turf suits · Drugstore tobacco sales challenge · Gulf Coast pets · Louisiana storm survivors' tales · Missouri tobacco suit · New York open-container law challenge · Indoor air contamination law · Pennsylvania hospital mistakes · Texas curfew · Pool inspections · Washington popcorn lung suit · National lawn equipment emissions standards · Food irradiation rule · Australia hepatitis B action · Canada Listeria outbreak · C. difficile suit · Iraq cholera arrests · Ireland handheld phones · United Kingdom global warming suit · Asbestos ship legal action · Under-21 alcohol ban · Unsafe cemetery flowers



Journal Articles


Adolescent smoking · Student seatbelt use · Reproductive, sexual health · Illegal alcohol stadium sales · Opt-out HIV testing · IHR foodborne outbreak reporting · Tobacco regulation · Japan rabies control · Uganda traffic enforcement · Developing countries pandemic preparedness



Court Opinions


California sexual orientation discrimination and physicians · Kentucky Good Samaritan statute and EMTs · Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration tort claim · Michigan nursing home accident reporting · New York U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act provision · Washington indoor smoking ban · Federal Clean Air Interstate Rule · Cigarette retailers RICO suit · Air quality plan



Quotation of the Week


Stephen L. Johnson, EPA Administrator






"Getting ahead of the next big storm"

Christian Science Monitor     (09/08/08)     Patrik Jonsson



In the face of destruction wreaked by three devastating storm systems -- Gustav, Hanna, and Ike -- the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had the opportunity to test its new proactive response philosophy. "Dynamic regrouping" uses clearly demarked lines of communication to move resources along the storm paths so they will be ready when they are most needed. Under the new response structure, FEMA's planning team consists of one team concentrating on recovery operations, and another working to anticipate needs ahead of a storm's landfall. The response effort entails collaboration between the military, civilian emergency professionals, and volunteers. The new philosophy places increased emphasis on volunteer capabilities, giving emergency officials a better sense than during previous disasters of who the volunteers are and what they are trained to do. This time, however, the nation has been forced to contend with recovery efforts in many different geographic areas simultaneously. "When you have back-to-back storms of national significance, the question is whether resources currently engaged in the first disaster are going to be freed up in time for the second one," said Craig Fugate, director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management in Tallahassee.




"2 withdraw from petition to rethink drinking age"

New York Times     (08/22/08)     Shaila Dewan



Over 100 college presidents are under attack from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, safety experts, and transportation officials for their support of a petition to reconsider the legal drinking age. According to the petition, signed by 123 college presidents, "[t]wenty-one is not working." The petition argues that raising the legal drinking age to 21 has forced students to hide their drinking, making it more difficult for colleges to fight binge drinking and alcohol poisoning. "I think there's a direct connection between this law and this pattern of secret, fast consumption of high-octane alcohol. It's much more dangerous than the traditional great big, loud keg party because it happens quietly, out of view," said Kenyon College president S. Georgia Nugent, who signed the petition. But critics say  scientific data support the success of the 20 year-old law. "Why would you take the one thing that has been tried in the last 30 years that has been shown to be most successful and throw that out the window and say, 'I have a better idea?'" asked epidemiologist Alexander C. Wagenaar, of the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. According to some experts, little evidence supports the contention that binge drinking became more widespread since the drinking age was raised to 21.


[Editor's note: To learn more about the age 21 minimum legal drinking age from CDC, visit http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/quickstats/mlda.htm. To read more about the efforts of the Amethyst Initiative, the group responsible for the petition, visit http://www.amethystinitiative.org/. To learn more about the Governors Highway Safety Association's position on lowering the minimum drinking age, visit http://www.ghsa.org/html/media/pressreleases/2008/2008.08.19.21.html.]




"Jump in U.S. measles cases linked to vaccine fears"

Associated Press     (08/21/08)     Mike Stobbe



According to health officials, measles cases in the United States are at their highest level in more than a decade, and nearly half of those cases involve children whose parents refused to consent to vaccination. Scientists with CDC's Division of Viral Diseases say a typical year sees only one outbreak, with infections of only 10 to 20 people. Through July 30 of this year, the U.S. has had seven outbreaks, including one with 30 cases. In all, 131 people have been diagnosed with measles, and 15 were hospitalized. In 63 cases, the patient or the patient's parents refused to allow the vaccinations for philosophical or religious reasons; a number of the cases involved home-schooled children who are not required by school entry laws to be vaccinated. The number of outbreaks suggests that pockets of unvaccinated children are forming. Pediatricians are worried about the trend, and say they are having to spend more time convincing parents that the vaccines are safe.


[Editor's note: To learn more about the measles vaccine from the American Academy of Pediatrics, visit http://www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/sept08mmr.htm.]




"Tighter lead rule for kids' items"

Washington Post     (09/15/08)     Annys Shin



The Consumer Protect Safety Commission (CPSC) has released a legal opinion on new lead standards enacted August 14, representing the agency's official guidance to businesses. The opinion, written by CPSC General Counsel Cheryl Falvey, allows companies to sell their existing inventory of those children's products which will be banned when the law goes into effect in February. The new law requires products intended for children up to age 12 to contain no more than 600 parts per million (ppm) total lead content. In August 2009, the limit will drop to 300 ppm and then to 100 ppm three years later. The guidance is intended to help manufacturers decide what to do with existing inventory, and clarifies for consumers which toys will be safe in February. In sum, "[t]his holiday season is 'buyer beware,'" said Ed Mierzwinski, of the Washington-based advocacy group U.S. PIRG. The new law also increases funding and authority for CPSC, and bans certain types of phthalates, chemicals used in plastics.


[Editor's note: To read the CPSC guidance document on the retroactive application of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 to inventory, visit http://www.cpsc.gov/library/foia/advisory/317.pdf.]




_____________________BRIEFLY NOTED______________________


California: Injunction against gang establishes "safety zone"

"Cathedral City: Injunction has brought improvements"

Desert Sun     (08/23/08)     Stefanie Frith



California: Calorie bill chance for passage improves without Restaurant Association opposition

"Restaurant group drops opposition to posting calorie info"

Sacramento Bee     (08/28/08)     Aurelio Rojas



California: Attorney General, enviro group sue six artificial-turf companies

"Suits filed over lead in artificial turf"

San Francisco Chronicle     (09/03/08)     Jane Kay



California: Pharmacy seeks injunction against nation's first ban on drugstore tobacco sales

"Walgreens seeks to stop S.F. tobacco ban"

San Francisco Chronicle     (09/09/08)     Heather Knight



Gulf Coast: Rescuers report most pets evacuated with owners, thousands more placed in shelters

"Gulf Coast pets largely survive the storm"

USA Today     (09/01/08)     Sharon L. Peters



Louisiana: Emergency officials listen to storm survivors for future planning

"Gustav holdouts' tales give evacuees pause"

Christian Science Monitor     (09/04/08)    Patrik Jonsson



Missouri: Oldest suit in Circuit Court expected to set precedent for hospital claims

"Hospitals' suit against tobacco industry is large in every dimension"

St. Louis Post-Dispatch     (09/15/08)     Heather Ratcliffe



New York: Brooklyn man challenges city's open-container law's definition of "public place"

"Fighting for the right to drink beer on his stoop"

New York Times     (09/08/08)     Manny Fernandez



New York: Measure requires landlords to warn tenants about known indoor air contamination

"New law adds health protection for renters"

Press and Sun-Bulletin     (09/06/08)     Eric Reinagel



Pennsylvania: Despite laws aimed at reducing errors, compliance is spotty, experts say

"Hospitals' mistakes are going unreported"

Philadelphia Inquirer     (09/12/08)     Josh Goldstein



Texas: Curfew set to protect public safety

"Ike damage prompts weeklong curfew in Houston"

CNN     (09/14/08)



Texas: Cryptosporidium outbreak raises concerns about pool safety

"Lack of Dallas pool inspections is making waves"

Dallas Morning News     (08/23/08)     Jessica Sidman and Ryan McNeill



Washington: Second consumer diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans files lawsuit

"Spokane man's suit claims popcorn led to lung disease"

Seattle Post-Intelligencer     (09/05/08)     Andrew Schneider



National: EPA sets new limits for lawn equipment, boat motors

"Emissions standards tightened"

Washington Post     (09/05/08)     Juliet Eilperin



National: Rule change to reduce harmful bacteria comes after Grocery Manufactures petition

"FDA will allow food companies to irradiate spinach, lettuce"

Wall Street Journal     (08/22/08)     Jane Zhang and Lauren Etter

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121933198945960489.html (subscription required)


Australia: State drops action against couple refusing to immunize newborn against hepatitis B

"DOCS drops pursuit of anti-vaccine couple"

ABC Premium News     (08/26/08)



Canada: Food inspection system defended after Listeria outbreak kills six

"Food inspectors backed"

Canwest News Service     (08/27/08)     Linda Nguyen



Canada: U.S. bankruptcy court sets Oct. 31 deadline for asbestos claims

"Little relief in Canadian asbestos settlement"

Seattle Post-Intelligencer     (09/10/08)     Andrew Schneider



Canada: Claimants seek to send strong message on hospital-acquired infections

"Relatives of C. difficile patients launch $10-million class-action lawsuit"

Montreal Gazette     (08/28/08)     Aaron Derfel



Iraq: Orders issued to arrest municipal directors for failure to take steps to prevent outbreak

"Cholera outbreak spreads in Iraq, with 2 dead"

Associated Press     (09/10/08)     Hamid Ahmed



Ireland: Two year-old Road Traffic Act set penalties for driving with handheld cell phones

"Over 46,000 motorists a day still use mobiles"

Evening Herald     (08/29/08)



United Kingdom: Jury clears activists using defense of "lawful excuse"

"Cleared: Jury decides that threat of global warming justifies breaking the law"

Independent     (09/11/08)     Michael McCarthy



United Kingdom: Health and Safety Executive to face action for import of asbestos-laden vessel

"Legal action taken over French ship"

Northern Echo     (09/04/08)     Stuart Arnold



United Kingdom: Pilot ban on sales of alcohol to under-21s brings dramatic fall in crime

"Under-21 alcohol ban 'cuts crime'"

Kilmarnock Standard     (09/08/08)



United Kingdom: Churchyard Regulations set by Diocese said to protect health and safety

"Widow told to remove 'unsafe flowers'"

Western Morning News     (09/06/08)    





___________________JOURNAL ARTICLES____________________


"Household smoking bans and adolescent antismoking attitudes and smoking initiation"

American Journal of Public Health     (10/08)     Alison B. Albers and others

http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/AJPH.2007.129320v1 (subscription required)


"Driver and passenger seatbelt use among U.S. high school students"

American Journal of Preventive Medicine     (09/08)     Nathaniel C. Briggs and others

http://www.ajpm-online.net/article/PIIS0749379708005217/fulltext (subscription required)


"HIV/AIDS, reproductive and sexual health, and the law"

American Journal of Public Health     (10/08)     Lance Gable and others

http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/98/10/1779 (subscription required)


"Likelihood of illegal alcohol sales at professional sports stadiums"

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research     (08/18/08)     Traci Toomey and others

http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121381882/abstract (subscription required)


"Opt-out testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the United States: Progress and..."

JAMA     (08/27/08)     John G. Bartlett and others

http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/300/8/945 (subscription required)


"Obligations to report outbreaks of foodborne disease under International Health Regulations"

Emerging Infectious Diseases     (09/08)    Martyn Kirk and others



"A Canadian's perspective: limits of tobacco regulation"

William Mitchell Law Review     (05/19/08)     David Sweanor



"Regulatory systems for prevention and control of rabies, Japan"

Emerging Infectious Diseases     (09/08)     Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe and others



"Cost-effectiveness of traffic enforcement: case study from Uganda"

Injury Prevention     (08/01/08)     D. Bishai and others

http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/14/4/223 (subscription required)


"Major issues and challenges of influenza pandemic preparedness in developing countries"

Emerging Infectious Diseases     (06/08)     Hitoshi Oshitani and others





___________________COURT OPINIONS____________________


California: Law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation applies to doctors

North Coast Women's Care Medical Group v. S.C. (Benitez)

Supreme Court of California

No. S142892

Filed August 18, 2008

Opinion by Judge Joyce L. Kennard



Kentucky: Application of Good Samaritan statute where EMTs had preexisting duty reversed

Cook v. Taylor

Court of Appeals of Kentucky

No. 2007-CA-000122-MR and No. 2007-CA-000221-MR

Decided August 22, 2008

Opinion by James H. Lambert


Maryland: Motor Vehicle Administration has no duty in tort to family killed by epileptic driver

Pulliam v. Motor Vehicle Administration

Court of Special Appeals of Maryland

No. 1987, September Term 2006

Filed September 4, 2008

Opinion by Raymond G. Thieme Jr.



Michigan: Nursing home not required to report accident under state abuse/neglect reporting law

People of the State of Michigan v. Edenstrom

Court of Appeals of Michigan

No. 277291

Decided August 5, 2008

Opinion by Judge Mark J. Cavanagh

Majority Opinion: http://courtofappeals.mijud.net/documents/OPINIONS/FINAL/

Opinion Partial Concurrence/Dissent: http://courtofappeals.mijud.net/documents/OPINIONS/FINAL/


New York: Preliminary injunction granted against enforcement of Leadership Act provision

Alliance for Open Society International v. U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York

No. 05 Civ. 8209

Decided August 7, 2008

Opinion by U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero



Washington: Smoking in Public Places Act constitutional as applied to American Legion Post

American Legion Post #149 v. Washington State Department of Health

Supreme Court of Washington

No. 79839-7

Filed September 11, 2008

Opinion by Mary E. Fairhurst

Majority Opinion: http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.showOpinion&filename

Concurrence: http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.showOpinion&filename

Dissent: http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.showOpinion&filename=798397Di1

Dissent: http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.showOpinion&filename=798397Di2

Dissent: http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.showOpinion&filename=798397Di3


Federal: Clean Air Interstate Rule vacated, remanded to EPA

State of North Carolina v. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

No. 05-1244

Decided July 11, 2008

Opinion Per Curiam



Federal: RICO suit against out-of-state cigarette retailers failing to report purchases can proceed

City of New York v. Smokes-Spirits.com

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

No. 06-1665-cv(L)

Decided September 2, 2008

Opinion by Circuit Judge Chester J. Straub



Federal: Court lacks jurisdiction to order relief in challenge of state's air quality plan

El Comite Para el Bienestar de Earlimart v. Heliker

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

No. 006-16000, No. 06-16131

Filed August 20, 2008

Opinion by Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown





__________PHL NEWS QUOTATION OF THE WEEK___________


"EPA's new small engine standards will allow Americans to cut air pollution as well as grass."


-- Stephen L. Johnson, EPA Administrator, on new standards that will tighten emissions of new gasoline-powered lawn mowers, weed trimmers, and boat engines. [See Briefly Noted item, above.]




The CDC Public Health Law News is published the third Wednesday of each month except holidays, plus special issues when warranted. It is distributed only in electronic form and is free of charge. News content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC and DHHS assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC or DHHS. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in the News, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of CDC or DHHS. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by CDC or DHHS. Legal cases are presented for educational purposes only, and are not meant to represent the current state of the law. The findings and conclusions reported in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC. The News is in the public domain and may be freely forwarded and reproduced without permission. The original news sources and the CDC Public Health Law News should be cited as sources. Readers should contact the cited news sources for the full text of the articles.


For past issues or to subscribe to the CDC Public Health Law News, visit http://www2a.cdc.gov/phlp/cphln.asp. For help with subscriptions or to make comments or suggestions, send an email to Rachel Weiss at rweiss@cdc.gov.


The News is published by the Public Health Law Program, Office of Strategy and Innovation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Rachel Weiss, J.D., Editor; Karen M. Leeb, J.D., M.L.S., Editorial Advisor.

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