Contract Details Vicinity Map


SELA-21 - Uptown Jeff Avenue - Phase 1 - Claiborne to Dryades
Contract consists of constructing 4,400 linear feet of two reinforced concrete culverts along Jeffeeson Avenue.

The work consists of constructing approximately 4,400 linear feet of two reinforced concrete culverts (useable areas of 14 by 10 ft and 14 by 8 ft) under the median along Jefferson Avenue, from South Claiborne Avenue to Dryades Street. The new culvert will tie in to the existing culvert at South Claiborne Avenue designed and built under SELA authority and the culvert to be constructed under the Uptown, Jefferson Avenue Phase 2 contract at Dryades Street.


Contract Award Q-3-2010
Contract Value $50-100M

Vicinity Map

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Revision Date: Wednesday, January 07, 2009