Contract Details Vicinity Map


LPV-01.1 - Reach 2 Lakefront Levee - Phase 1
Levee - Bring to authorized level of protection.

This section of levee runs approximately 1.5 miles along the East Jefferson lakefront from the east end of the tie-in floodwall on the east side of Pump Station #4 (Duncan) to the west end of the tie-in floodwall on the west side of the Pump Station #3 (Suburban). This earthen levee has a 7 foot wide crown with a design elevation of +16.5 NAVD88 and 1 vertical on 3 horizontal side slopes. On the flood side there is a wave berm that slopes downward from the levee toe to the lakeshore, while on the protected side there is a stability berm and an adjacent landside rainfall runoff collection and drainage system. At present the crown of this levee reach is approximately 0.1 foot below design grade on average. Proposed herein for accelerated completion is the construction of a levee lift to an elevation of +18 NAVD88, thus providing 1.5 foot of overbuild in anticipation of further levee subsidence.

LPV-01.2 - Reach 2 Lakefront Levee - Phase 2
Levee - Bring to 100 year level of protection

This segment of the HPS consists of approximately 1.5 miles of levee along the East Jefferson lakefront from the east end of the tie-in floodwall on the east side of Pump Station #4 (Duncan) to the west end of the tie-in floodwall on the west side of the Pump Station #3 (Suburban). This earthen levee has a 7 foot wide crown with a design elevation of +16 NAVD88 and 1 vertical on 3 horizontal side slopes. At present the crown of this levee reach is approximately 0.1 foot below design grade on average. This contract provides for construction to the 100 year level of protection of a levee lift to an elevation of +18.5 NAVD88, thus providing one foot of overbuild in anticipation of further levee subsidence.


Contract Award Q-2-2009
Contract Value $0-5M
Contract Award Q-2-2009
Contract Value $0-5M

Vicinity Map


Reach 2 Lakefront Levee
Lakefront Levee facing west

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Revision Date: Wednesday, January 07, 2009