Argonne National Laboratory Decision and Information Sciences
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Logistics and Process Analysis Tool

Argonne has developed a powerful simulation analysis tool for transportation and process analysis by integrating two systems: the Enhanced Logistics Intra-theater Support Tool and the Fort Future Virtual Installation tool. This new system has been applied to various domains, including military deployment and mass prophylaxis dispensing campaigns. The tool allows subject-matter experts to create and modify their own transportation and process rules, eliminating the dependence on software developers to set up scenarios for complex analyses.

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Introduction to the Energy and Power Evaluation Program
September 22-26, 2008
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Develop innovative decision support tools, including simulation models, databases, and analytical methodologies that can be used to provide quantitative information to decision makers;

these tools to the analysis and solution of problems of national, local, and international significance; and

these tools to the community of researchers and end users for their own implementation.

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