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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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AFI Outreach Presentations

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AFI Project Design & Implementation (Part I):


In this presentation, participants were introduced to designing and implementing an effective IDA project (part 1 of 2). The webinar covered key elements of effective workplans, strategies for selecting your client population and determining the services they may need to succeed with their IDA. Participants learned good practices from current Assets for Independence program grantees about the IDA savings match rates and other account design features.

This webinar focused on the following topics for prospective grantees:

  • Assets for Independence Work Plan Requirements
  • Strategies for selecting your client population
  • Determining services and participant savings match rates and account design features
  • Q&A around AFI Project Design and Implementation

For additional resources on designing an AFI project, please visit the AFI Project Builder. The Project Builder is a step-by-step guidebook that discusses topics to consider, how to reach out to partner agencies and groups, how to structure an IDA account strategy, and more.

Webinar Recording

If you would like a copy of the webinar recording, we are happy to send it to you. Please send an email to or call the AFI Resource Center at 202.401.4626.


René Bryce LaPorte
AFI Resource Center

Deirdre Silverman
Alternatives Federal Credit Union


PowerPoint Presentation for the webinar (PPT )

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Last Updated: December 23, 2008