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Contact: J. Bailey Smith

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wanamaker Building,
Room 600
100 Penn Square East
Phila, PA 19107-3390

Phone: 215-656-6579
FAX: 215-656-6543

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Regional Sediment Management (RSM)

Regional Sediment Management (RSM) seeks to solve sediment-related problems by designing solutions within a regional strategy to achieve balanced and sustainable solutions to sediment-related needs. Local project decisions (with stakeholder collaboration) are made in the context of the regional sediment system in order to best forecast long-range implications of management actions. RSM is a US Army Corps of Engineers-wide approach that is being implemented through coordianted activities using several Corps authorities. The overall goal is for the Corps and their districts is simply to more efficiently and effectively manage sediment.

While RSM ultimately integrates the management of littoral, estuarine, and riverine sediments, the USACE Philadelphia District (NAP) is currently focusing on the coastal zone. The ultimate goal of the Philadelphia District's (NAP) RSM efforts is to reduce the amount of sand needed to maintain New Jersey Atlantic coast beaches, reduce life-cycle costs, and reduce environmental impacts of the shore protection program.

RSM was first introduced at NAP though the National RSM Demonstration Program four years ago. The RSM concept is now not just familiar to a few coastal people, but has been embraced as a goal thoughout NAP. RSM is presently being developed and implemented at NAP utilizing three separate, but inter-related initiatives: the National RSM Demo Program, the New Jersey Alternative Long-Term Nourishment Feasibility Study ('Alternative' Study), and the ongoing Coastal Monitoring Programs for specific coastal projects. Additionally, a new initiative at the North Atlantic Division required that each District establish an RSM team which will further aid in incorporating RSM into standard business practice.


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